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Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2013

The C Concept by ArchBishop Uwe AE.Rosenkranz

Maslow-Pyramide 022113_1118_THECConcep7.png 022113_1118_THECConcep6.png Sandman
The "C" Concept
When You start
doing entrepreneurship,
You are doing good when
Using the benefits of
A successful and persistant CONCEPT.
The " " Concept is fitting 4 U!

First of all it is well done,

When U choose to have a Charity Unit
In Your portifolio.
Charity comes from Charitas and means
You are giving something for free
That helps people to help themselfes.
Second theme is to build Clubs.
A club is a social organization
That is helping people to realize
Their goals and to let
The organization grow
To stay in order for the benefit of all.
Third critical control point is
To start a movement
That brings gravid Community aspects
Next step is to create and develop

Cash Cows are rated
Organisations , goups or companies
Who are rated "Triple AAA",
With a solid gold structure
Of growth and value relation,
Creating perpetual wealth
at low risk.
Don't forget that money
Is not the only relevant thing
In Your and Your Companies
You are well educated
To get high on the
Career becomes a synonyme
For the social proof of
Your personal skills,
Know How and Wisdom
Will create Your authentical
Profile in society.
Honour and glory is going to
Come with a nice sounding career.

Turns the cross-cultural
Communication concept
From the Top to the Bottom.
Completing the figure of the

This may be a symbol
For an perpetual persistant
Uwe AE.
Guckenbuehlstr. 19
72475 Bitz

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