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Montag, 24. April 2017

No donation to murderers in jail- Archbishop Uwe AE.Rosenkranz- PSPS II

Call to Action: Please share this post to let the world know that Palestinian terrorists aren't "freedom fighters" or "peaceful activists - they are mercenaries who will earn millions in Israeli jails for murdering innocent civilians.
It's no secret that the Palestinian Authority initiated and manages a "pay to slay" scheme which motivates Palestinian terrorists to kill innocent civilians to the tune of $1 billion in "blood money" over the past decade: Hakim Awad who murdered the Fogel family (including 3 young children) will earn over $2 million; Muhammad and Khalid Mahmara who murdered four Israeli civilians will earn over $2 million in jail; Abbas El-Sayed who murdered 35 Israeli civilians will earn over $1 million in jail; Marwan Barghouti who was convicted for the murder of five Israeli civilians (he is responsible for a dozen more) will earn over $1 million in jail.
These same murderers who are making money for killing innocent Israeli citizens have now decided to go on a hunger strike, hoping to gain legitimacy as "freedom fighters" and to be equated with the likes of Nelson Mandela. The world should be aware that unlike Mandela and Ghandi who deserved such recognition, these prisoners exemplifies the basic problem that the PA, and the countries donating to the PA, represent to the peace process in the region: as long as countries continue to donate money to the PA, these funds will continue to fuel terrorism which will only serve to increase terrorism and delegitimize the PA as a real partner for peace.


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