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Montag, 12. April 2010

review,part 4-eve of construction, ebook,

Dies ist ein ebook. Es heisst „Eve of Construction“. Es entstand, nachdem ich das Werk „Weltgeheimnis-Geldgeheimnis“, Saba,2009; gelesen habe. Unter dem noch frischen Eindruck sammelte ich essays, Briefe, emails, Beiträge zu Foren, Präsentationen, Lehrpläne inclusive Multimedia- Curricula und wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, die ich z.T. in Englisch, z.t. in Deutsch geschrieben habe und die bisher noch nicht veröffentlicht wurden.
Die Auswahl aus meinen Arbeiten erfolgte weder chronologisch noch streng causal, sondern in einer Art Erzählstruktur, die den Leser mit hineinnehmen möchte in eine dynamische Schaffensphase.
In roter Schrift erlaube ich mir, eine verbindende Überleitungen und Erklärungen einfliessen zu lassen. Anstatt einer Inhaltsangabe könnten die einzelnen Beiträge auch in einer Graphik dargestellt und dann sinngemäß aufgerufen werden. Links zu weiteren Dateien sind als Hyperlink dargestellt und ergänzen bzw. erweitern das ebook, dass sonst den üblichen Rahmen sprengen würde.
Erwähnte Formeln und basic-Programme zur Berechnung biodynamischer Entwicklungen können auf Anfrage zum Download beim Author mit Verweis auf die Urheberschaft der Forscher bestellt werden.
Dem geneigten Leser/Auditorium wünsche ich wertvolle Anregungen. Für konstruktive Kritik bin ich selbstverständlich offen und in den ff. erwähnten Formen, Zeiten und auf benannten Kanälen gerne zur Diskussion bereit.
Insofern Patent- und Schutzrechte (eigene, sowie die anderer berührt werden, behalte ich mir Schadlosigkeit vor), ansonsten ist mir Nachahmung, Verfälschung oder Veränderungen nicht egal, jedoch manchmal wohl unvermeidlich. Falls einige Textstellen eine persönliche Entscheidung verlangen, die erlösenden oder bindenden Charakter hat, so ist das durchaus beabsichtigt. Die Verantwortung hierfür liegt jedoch ausschliesslich beim Entscheidungsträger, nicht beim Autor. Sollten Symbole, Zahlen, Formeln oder Kult-handlungen Anlass zum Ärger geben oder gar rechtliche oder executive Massnahmen gegen den Autor nach sich ziehen, distanziert dieser sich hiermit gleichzeitig von solchen Streitpunkten –aus der Sicht der gegnerischen Partei- und behauptet das Gegenteil (was immer das auch sein mag). Es gilt ausserdem die Salvatorische Klausel.

Zunächst wird ein Lehrplan vorgestellt. Hiermit soll der erwachsene Lernende eine Chance bekommen, sein Verhalten auf die Erfordernisse der sog. „Klimakrise“ (=“Global Warmin“) einzustellen, bzw. zu ändern. Als Referenzstellen aus der Bibel wird Bezug genommen.
(S. ~5-11)
In einem weiteren Suksessions-Schritt werden die Psychologischen Hintergrund-lehren beleuchtet, die sonst mehr oder weniger undurchsichtig bleiben bei solchen „Umerziehungs-massnahmen“. An einem Beispiel wird deutlich, wie der philosophische Weltbildansatz auch bei „Entouragen“, d.h. Gebets- und Lehr-Treffen, Zirkeln und Seelsorge Bedeutung gewinnt. (S.~ 13-16).
Als Reverend der Erzbruderschaft vom Allerheiligsten Rosenkranz („Confraternity of The Most Holy ROSARY“) stellt sich dennoch manchmal die Frage nach der Legitimation, der Authorität und der Rechtfertigung. Dazu wird noch einmal ein Auszug aus einer Bearbeitung aus dem Ersten Bund über „Könige Priester und Propheten, bzw. Lehrer „ gebracht. Wer bereits mein erstes ebook ROSENKRANZ-TEMPLEROFFENBARUNG“ gelesen hat, kann sich die Redundanz sparen und gleich weiterscrollen. Allerdings lohnt sich solch eine ROSARY-REVELATION-REVIEW dennoch, wenn durch einen neuen Blickwinkel bisheriger Kenntnisstand und Offenbarung durch „erleuchtete Augen des Herzens“ mit neuem Gewinn wahrgenommen wird. (S. ~17-20).
Hieran schliesst sich an ein bisher nur gegenüber zwei Stellen/Behörden gerichtetes email/Schreiben, dass hiermit als öffentlicher Brief bekannt gemacht wird. Es zeigt, wie heute von stattlichen Stellen mit dem Schutz und der Verbreitung von geistigem Eigentum umgegangen wird. Dies gilt auch als Entlastung für den Autor, damit nicht im Nachhinein jemand sagen kann: „Das haben wir ja nicht gewusst“
Im Prinzip wird damit der Auftrag des Propheten Jeremia, seine Brüder zu warnen, ausgeführt. Damit ist auch eine prophylaktische Befreiung von „Blutschuld“ verbunden. Gleichzeitig wird damit gegen das Prinzip des Teilens und Herrschens vorgegangen, dass gesamtgesellschaftlich relevante Entwicklungen, Ideen und Erfindungen instrumentalisiert , randomisiert und gerne zur Bedeutungslosigkeit verdammen und ächten will. (S. ~ 21-25)
Anschliessend wird der Entwurf eines Klimaschutzprojektes gezeigt (als Link), der die Bedeutung der ROSARY-Hügelbeetkultur (auch in seiner Metapher als „Heiliger Gral“) präsentiert.
Auf Wunsch könen auch 4 vom Autor gedrehte Filme auf DVD bestellt werden, auf denen die Verwendung und Implementierung dieser CER- Clean Developement Mechanisms näher erläutert werden. Darin wird wichtig, dass eine Neue Weltordnung mit dazugehöriger weltweiter Währung mit der ROSARY-Kultur praktisch möglich ist. (S. ~ 27-29)
Zur Auflockerung befassen wir uns mit der Biodiversität von organischen Landmanagement-Systemen. Hier insbesondere mit der Zucht und Pflege von Hauskatzen der Rasse Perser, Silver Shadow. (S. ~ 30-32)
Jetzt wird es krass: Eine Art Koproduktion (mein verstorbener Onkel Wilhelm Dehmlow, ein passionierter „Sternegucker“) gab mir wichtige Tips) und meine Frau Elke hörte sich verschiedene Versionen der „Fiktiven“ Geschichte an, wie ich sie declamierte. Dabei kamen auch feine Nuancen, wie bei einem klassischen Drama der Shakespear-ära zur künstlerischen Anwendung. Die erste schriftliche Version wurde von einem internationalen Autoren- und Dichter. Kreis gelesen und als „Diamant der Literatur“ bezeichnet. Ganz anders sahen das einige Kritiker, die diesen als essay eingereichten Storyteil in Bausch und Bogen als okkult einstuften und entsprechend mies bewerteten. Der Leser mag sich selber ein Urteil bilden und sich nicht“ hinters Licht führen lassen“. J
(S. ~ 33-39)
Desweiteren wird eine erzählerische Episode aufgeführt, die allerdings ausschliesslich realen Autobiographischen Hintergrund hat. (S.~40–42)
Für Insider sind vier Graphiken abgebildet, die die Bedeutung des Gebets veranschaulichen, und die Art und Weise, wie das Jerusalem-Zentriert geordnet geschieht. (S~ 42).
Da zur Zeit immer wieder auf weltweite Bedrohung hingewiesen wird und als Grund für eine Neue Weltordnung fast ohne nennenswerten Widerspruch oder gar wirklich demokratischen Willensbildungsprozess stattfindet, nämlich die globale „Klima- und Finanzkrise“ , wird untersucht, inwieweit Religiöse oder Ökonomische Belange und Strömungen in der Lage sind, wirkliche Lösungen und konstruktive Veränderungen herbeizuführen. (S. ~ 43-45).
Als offenen Dialog der emergenten Kirchen ist dann ein weiterer Forenbeitrag angefügt, der den konkreten aktuellen Bezug herstellt. S.~45-46).
In einer Art Schlusswort soll anschliessend auch auf bisher „verborgene“ Aspekte eingegangen werden, wie sie bspw. in dem eingangs zitierten Buch „Weltgeheimnis-Geldgeheimnis“ angesprochen werden. Im Gegensatz allerdings zu Esotheric und Okkultismus soll gerade als Kontrast der erlösende, sotheriologische Aspekt und der als anerkannte (und sogar geschützte) Kultur nachhaltig geschätzte eigene Beitrag als klärender Übergang vom „okkulten“ oder gar magischen (d.h. „linkshändigem“ Zauberkram) herausgearbeitet werden.
Hierbei kommen persönlich, auch ethisch-moralische Leit- und Führungswerte zur Anwendung, die sich evtl. nicht gleich jedem direkt erschliessen oder gar Zustimmung auslösen. Dennoch halte ich es für wichtig, sich damit auseinanderzusetzen und bitte daher um barmherzigen, gnädigen und friedlichem Umgang mit diesem Wissen.
Schlussendlich möchte ich mich noch bedanken für die Mühe, sich hier zweisprachig und multi-medial als Informationsempfänger aber auch gerne als aktiver Kommunikator zu erweisen. Es ist allemal besser, sich konstruktiv auszutauschen, als lieb- und wortlos gegeneinander zu sein. Wie sich ja im Folgenden zeigen wird, ist ein Ziel auch ein Höherer Grad an Harmonie, an Schönheit und an Lebensqualität. Vor diesem Hohen Anspruch sollte niemand verzweifelt „in die Knie gehen“ müssen, sondern einzig und allein sich vor dem Allmächtigen GOTT sich beugen und seinen Heiligen Namen preisen!
Friede und Segen mit Euch!
(25.Mai 2009, Bitz, Germany)
Rev. Uwe A.E.Rosenkranz
Date Course: General Plan for Lessons Date 18.11.2008 to
Lesson Number Scripture Topic Objectives Aids Learning Activities
28.11.2008 1 Marc 13,3-8 + Revelation How to change our ecological behaviour into Christ-centred Livelihoods to overcome the climate crisis. Explain the ROSARY RIDGEBED CULTURE according to the HOLY ROSARY PRAYER. Bible, online teaching roomppt-presentation, video,ROSARY PRAYER CHAIN Widget Provide novel activities and information about ROSARY- brotherhood of men.
29.11.2008 2 1.Mo. 2,15 + 3,23 Care for life, safe and heal-Our GOD- given task on planet earth Understand the importance of following JESUS example of loving and serving others in fulfilment of HIS GOD-given task. LOGOS BIBLE Gold Edition, ROSARY-revelation of templarsebook, Involve learners into several scenarios, where praying and serving in a Christ-centred Livelihood is in coherency with ecologic aims.
30.11.2008 3 1.Kor. 9,25 + 2.Tim. 4,8 Effective prayer Understand the role of Prayer and how to pray effectively . ROSARY PRAYER CHAIN multimedia projector, backside screen Provide with advanced levels of the Most HOLY ROSARY PRAYER as an Ordination Ceremony to live in a Christ-centred community.
ab 1.12. 2008 4 Phil. 4,8 + 1.Thess. 2,19 Life according to Biblical standards Define Biblical standards and how they apply to Christian living. workshop,projector,pinwall, flyerOnline-game “Safe the Earth” Invitation into ecological behaviour according to biblical standards, using multimedia responses,billings and challenges to test own skills and attitudes in a ranking list of teams. Check efforts in change of behaviour and discuss them.

Curriculum: hotconference teaching rooms: Uwe´s room, Edu 2, edu 3, edu 4, ….. www.rosary.sorgenlos.net

Principals of Teaching

1). Character traits of a Christian
A course plan for a four-lesson course to train abilities to develop behaviour to prepare for climate change.

2). Statement of adult group related course objectives.

a) This course will be taught to a class of High School students in adult age groups.
b) Objective 1: Students will be able to identify the key character traits of a Christian.
Objective 2: Students will understand the benefits/blessings of Christian living.
Objective 3: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the potential consequences of not living
according to Biblical standards.

c) The objectives are appropriate because this age group class members are both students and hard workers with their bodies in physical decline and some are unable to visit church. Teaching has to be brought to them according to their gear activities concerning their needs.

One of the methods is to deliver a home based internet learning platform. This helps to optimize their economic resources as well as to reduce their carbon output by ability to stay at home, not to drive to a central university campus and to give them more time to share with their families.

It is essential for their mental characteristics to motivate in a contemplative way.
The HOLY ROSARY PRAYER CHAIN and the ROSARY RIDGEBED CULTURE (as one possible climate solution they may build in their gardens by their own) are presenting a direct and effective way of a Christ-centred life according to the biblical standards of caring for others, protect and care for their environment, they are able to influence.

They like to share ideas and opinions influenced by their varied educational backgrounds.
Developing a green lifestyle, following JESUS example in fulfilment of GOD´s task can be understood by applying a moderate measurement for their change of behaviour. Creativity can be shared with others in their home church and congregation and in bible class.

They tend to become self- or family-related.
Therefore the pragmatical benefits of their change in behaviour for their family households and their “Carbondioxyd-footprint” ( billing of their homechurch´s reduce of carbon output, as a team) are shown. The challenges of other teams in the online – game scenario of “Safe the Earth” gives them a sudden feedback for their ability to manage the climate crisis in a Christ-centred manner.

Teaching suggestions are to lead them on a discovery of deep spiritual truths.
To maintain adults with spiritual insights means evenso to encourage them to share and value their own opinions.
The “Good Procedure” of ROSARY-Brotherhoods-of-Men as communities, where praying and working is in harmony with biblical standards and according to the natural resources, is supplying an obvious model of longlasting Christian livelihood with economical and ecological efforts. This leads to authoritative and trustful examples to reach for in good daily practice.

A second objective is to provide the adult group with a round table forum and create a friendly atmosphere in a kindly moderated hotconference room. This is not only necessary to connect with other Christians in a biblical curriculum, but eventhough delivers space and time of love and peace for a worldwide community of emerging church as one organisation of the virtual body of Christ.

Social characteristics of change in family environment, new interestes and needs and church responsibilities have to be suggested. This development of characteristic traits of Christians are presented in university workshops and seminaries, added to this course. “Transdisciplinary Competence of Communication” at University of Regensburg leads to new land, according to the well-known 2006 Speeches of Pope Benedict XVI.
In Order to train this in their home churches supplies practical help in a internet-based curriculum.
Special mentors may spread this new knowledge and know-how as coaches in several crisis scenarios.

Guiding in establishing and maintaining a christian home, causes the need to teach adult group related
Interests to the students.
This is best done by showing adults that they are needed and loved.
Spiritual training and experience has to supply a continuing growing spirituality connected to the universal body of christ.
Encouraging, training and providing opportunities for service in the home church according to biblical standards is one teaching suggestion.
This should lead and challenge the teaching.

Objectives to identify, how Christ-centred livelihoods lead to ecological responses in personal behaviour to overcome the climate crisis use the methodology of hotconference rooms and work out developing processes of adult study groups to discover their spiritual potential.
They deliver a “Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points” – Concept (HACCP) in order to discover how to manage creative scenarios, how to use their gifts and abilities to reduce their home churchs footprint (as measured in combination of ecological and economical parameters, like presented in the online-game “Safe-the Earth”).

Best –in –practice scenarios have been tested by Fraunhofer-Institute of Technology (Karlsruhe, Germany), together with TÜV Süd in 2004/5 with two reference groups (adult middle-class-companies manager and academic studens and doctors- group). This proofed the ecological “footprint” of companies and established the accredited UNFCCC-project baselines.
To involve adult study groups into a more familiar scenario according to biblical standards can be done by transforming the environmental knowledge to this education course, building up teams and evaluate the spiritual and ethical
issues by discussing the results of climate change competitions, that result as efforts and advantages of the ranking list of teams.

2) One complete lesson plan in outline form for lesson 3 (Effective prayer) of the course plan.

Sample lesson plan 27.11.2008, Erlangen teacher: Uwe Rosenkranz ELIJAH-CHURCH
Subject: Principals of Teaching ROSARY-Praying and MORE…Effective prayer
Class: Bible School Teachers/students and members of emerging church Germany
Lesson: Lesson 3: Evaluate changes in behaviour
Textbook: ICI-University Independant-Study Textbook Principles of Teaching, Shaw
Main Objective: Make and use hotconference educational games
Related course goal: Plan, prepare and teach/moderate environmental scenario games, evaluate and discuss
Checklist of deeds
Projects: Make lesson plans Readings Field trips
Games/Quizzes Powerpoint-presentation Destillation/Flacoon
Checklist of equipment needed: Chalk board maps Chart
Flip Chart/Poster Flannelboard/pictures Camcorder
hotconference software /PC Beamer/Projector screen workshop cards
Model sample lesson plans Reference Books ebook: ROSARY- revelation-of-templars
Projector Film slides Records/Tape/DVD Player Other forms to fill in

Time Presentation Illustration AIDS Questions Learning Activities
5 min Introduction Compare ROSARY Praying Chain with ROSARY RIDGEBED CULTURE Prayer Chain/Flyer Why do believers need Liturgy for Praying? Rythm for working? Discuss importanceof PRAYER CHAINS
10 min Part 1: Value of PRAYING 24/7 : Bubbling Yourself empty? Bible verses/BIBLE How does a praying structure help to get a fair rythm in prayer chains? On Notebook:2 workshop teams analyse ways to pray:
10 min Part 2: Contents of a CDM-Project Working makes free- vs. Working is a curse ppt-Presentation How many use coherency/Harmony in their lifestile? Use paper cards for working projects
20 min Design for Teaching/Environmental Scenario games hotconference rooms for simultanious gaming Notebookbeamer Team Challenge How to Safe the Earth Play "Safe-theEarth", Evaluate results immediatly
5 min Using flip charts/cards for sampling the results Designing cards on flipchart Flipchart,postermarker How can we take relevant results to the market place? Prayer forGOD´s help
Comments on results
3) Lesson plan –sheet schedule, part 2

4) An explanation of teaching methodology you would use based on the class age group, along with a statement of target cognitive levels of learning and a proposed method of testing or measuring goal achievement..

In order to teach adult groups it should be comfortable to involve the class members in activities in which he responds actively. To reach this it is appreciable to provide activities in which ther learner uses more than one of his senses at one time. Advanced organizers shall be used to fit the provided activities. As a challenge for evaluation the immediate knowledge of results will be available. To reach the same goal, the learners should be involved in numerous varied activities, and regarding to the information there is the need of novel activities.
To lead an adult group to the evaluation level, where they can judge values, based on creteria, it is necessary for
them to put parts together to create something new on the synthesis level. This conditionally needs skills of analysis,
where the adults are able to solve climate problems systematically, braking down into the parts. While provided with the
environmetal game scenario of “safe-the-Earth”, the learners are challenged to transfer learning to new situations.
The examining applications spread comprehension by interpreting and translating into new forms. As a basic step
knowledge is given to increase memorizing and recalling.
Adults tend to react slowly on new megatrends, if their personally needs are not tangered.
This leads to the conclusion, that inhomogen adult teahing groups should be evaluated first.
Then follow the former mentioned areas of Knowledge and Understanding.

A HACCP-Concept (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) of personal behaviour in the beginning of the teaching gives a good measure to the effectiveness of reached goals after the Teaching .For implementation of the change the best practice projects can be driven to a UNFCCC- Climate project (e.g. as small scale landmanagement system CDM-project) Setting these standarts according to Biblical Example and following the rules gives the rewarded effort, trained in the scenario.
Actual Ranking (measurement: “I saved xxx sqarefeet of rainforest” )of Team
ROSARY RIDGEBEDROUNDABOUTCan be seen at the website http://ROSARY.sorgenlos.net

a) biographical sketch of theorist

b) education process

c) basic assumptions

d) strengths

e) weaknesses
a) biographical sketch of theorist

b) education process

c) basic assumptions

d) strengths

e) weaknesses


a) biographical sketch of theorist

b) education process

c) basic assumptions

d) strengths

e) weaknesses

4. AN APPLICATION OF ONE OF THE THORIES. Here: the Application of Erikson´s stage theory of development on the background of our adult home cell group in our church.

a) Background information of the class
b) key principles of the theory
c) expected outcome of the application in the class


a) Erik Erikson was born in Germany of Danish parents. He left high school without graduation and wandered several years through Europe, attending various art schools. Sigmund Freud took him at his school in Vienna for career as psychoanalyst. Erikson completed his training and departed to USA, when Adolf Hitler empowered in Europe. E. taught in Harvard, Yale, Berkeley, and did private counselling; then he became interested in studying Native American tribes. He also did research on mentally handicapped children and served as psychotherapist for World War II soldiers. He overcame his teacher Freud, while widening the focus on larger and more representative groups, involving social and cultural factors. He fully appreciated, e.g. values, attitudes, beliefs and customs, and how they influence behaviour, perception, and thinking. Erikson was the founder of the theory of development based on psychoanalytic principles, taking into account such influences.
b) In Erikson’s Theory the Epigenic Principle has been described, which states, that in fetal development certain organs of the body appear at certain specific times and eventually “emerge” to form the whole child. Erikson projected the hypothesis, that as the parts of the body develop in interrelated ways in the human foetus, so the personality of an individual forms as the ego progresses through a series of interrelated stages. All these stages exist in some form from the very beginning, but each has a critical period of development. This implements that the personality grows out of successful resolution of psychosocial crises. The educational process (Erikson, Childhood and Society,1963, chapter 7) starts from birth to one year with items of trust versus Mistrust; from 2 to 3 years: autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt; from 4-5 years: Initiative vs. Guilt; 6-11 years: industry vs. Inferiority; 12-18 years: Identity vs. Role Confusion; Young Adulthood: Intimacy vs. Isolation; Middle Age: Generativity vs. Stagnation; Integrity vs. Despair (Old Age).
c) Basic assumptions of gender roles, as defined by Erikson is the accepting of the own body, having goals, getting recognition from those who count. These gender roles establish pattern for many behaviours. Traditionally, male identity is linked to job, female identity is linked to her husband’s goals, but in newer times more focussed on her own jobs than in past. For American society he found out, that boys are encourages to be independent, active, exploratory, whereas girls are encouraged to be dependent and quit. Androgynous individuals are more flexible and better adjusted than gender-typed individuals. Another assumption is, that occupation choice is a mayor commitment. While formulating an identity, psychosocial moratorium delays commitment and may establish a negative Identity. Adolescents exhibit a particular process, called an identity status, for establishing an identity. Individuals in identity diffusion avoid thinking about jobs, roles and values. Individuals in moratorium suffer identity crises of various kinds. Individuals who have made identity achievement status have made their own commitments. Individuals in foreclosure unquestioningly endorse parent’s goals and values.
d) The strengths of Erikson’s observations are the description of male and female psychosocial developments based on a greater number and more random populations with different social and cultural and emotional/mental background. His founding Hypothesis have been influencing a whole generation of theorists.
e) Weaknesses, as often criticised by following theorists, are the generalisations and, e.g. his reflections of his own indecisions about occupational choice. Lack of accuracy, focussing more on male, than on female group developments, and disqualifications of certain aspects of basic qualities in age development through single theorist of other schools. 577 words.


a) The cognitive stage theory was created by Jean Piaget, who was born in Switzerland, in 1896. His father was a literature professor and his son Jean became a sophisticated biologist Ph.D. Later he was influenced by Freud, and wrote about psychoanalysis and child psychology, based on study of abnormal psychology. Correcting English reasoning tests and translating it into French directed him to study cognitive development of older children and adults.
b) Piaget postulated two basic educational tendencies in human intellectual developments: organization (the tendency to systematize and combine processes into coherent general systems) and adaption (tendency to adjust to the environment). He transformed the physiological nutrition of the body with the mental functioning and found out schemes ,that appear to be organized pattern of behaviour or thought.. According to this, he described assimilation as new experience that is fitted into existing schemes. Accommodation is then a scheme that is creating or revised to fit new experience. Equilibration is the tendency to organize schemes to allow better understanding of experiences. This leaded to the Piagetian Psychologist School and educators of constructivism. Meaningful learning thereafter was interpreted, when people create some new ideas of knowledge (rules and hypotheses that explain things) from existing informations, e.g. facts, concepts, and procedures.
c) Basic assumptions, that depend on the above mentioned educational processes, describe the stages of cognitive development as follows: Sensimotor Stage (Infants and “toddlers”- birth – 2 years), where schemes reflect sensory and motor experiences; Preoperational Stage (Preschoolers and Primary grades- 2 – 7 years): children form many new schemes but do not think logically; Concrete operational stage (Elementary to Early Middle School – 7-11 years): children are capable of mentally reversing actions but generalizes from concrete experiences; Formal Operational stage (Middle School, High School, Beyond- 11 years and older):child is able to deal with abstractions, form hypotheses, engage in mental manipulations. Piagetian theorist Elkind in 1968 (5 years after Erikson’s Social Theory) found another adolescent egocentrism, where one’s thoughts and actions are as central to others as to oneself.
d) One strength of Piaget are the often in respond published articles, dealing on his assumptions and findings. Until his retirement in 1975, he was engaged in research studies.
e) Weaknesses are, that some think, he underestimated children’s abilities, whereas others felt, he overestimated it. One reason is, that adolescents are mostly not operational thinkers, and the intercultural aspect appeared, that a kind of uniform occurs, but the development varies. Newer research proofs that even Bonobos are able to react as formal operational thinkers, and could sort objects taxonomically.


a) When Piaget studied all aspects of children’s thinking, he began with observation, how children are playing with marbles. First he had to learn the game himself (in his adult stage). He found out, that the children’s interpretation of rules followed by participants of marble games changed with age.
b) Piaget and his followers Kohlberg (1950ies) and Gilligan (1982;1988) described these interpretation of Rules (of children in the age of 4-7 years) as follows: Moral Realism versus Moral Relativism, where Realism shall be “sacred” rules, no exceptions, no allowance for intentions, and consequences determine guilt; Relativism thereby shall symbolize flexible rules, important intents that determine guilt. The education process is described in 6 stages, stage 1: punishment-obedience orientation; stage 2: instrumental relativist orientation; stage 3: good boy- nice girl- orientation; stage 4: law-and-order orientation; stage 5: social contract orientation; stage 6: universal ethical principle orientation.
c) Basic assumptions are interpreted as Preconventional morality that avoids punishment, and receives benefits in return; Conventional morality, that impresses others and respects authority; and Postconventional morality that shows mutual agreements and consistent principles.
d) Strengths are given through some moderately positive results of research of moral development (Hoffman, 1980), stating a generalized description of American society on direct instruction. Moral education programmes (Lockwood, 1978; Thoma, 1985) may produce modest acceleration in moral development.
e) Weaknesses are the tiny focus of Piagets and Kohlberg’s (“Just Community”, late 60ies in Israelian Kibbutz) research, that some title “dilemma discussion” and “mission impossible”. Snyder (1991), using films and software (Decision, Decision”) to show students, that they are not alone in trying to solve discussion problems like environmental behaviour.


a) Background information of the class: In our churches in town community, we had some bible teaching – and Prayer Groups that came together in houses and home cell groups. The unique background was that, apart from me, all other class members appeared to be middle-age, married females, with grown-up children. Many teachers, one officer and high-educated academic individuals with husbands, working as bankers, officers and even so teacher, occur. We found out, hat moral behaviour could not really be described and in advance be changed by using stage development theories by Kohlberg, Piaget and Gillan. So, we focussed- leaded by the HOLY SPIRIT moiré on Erikson’s theories.
b) Key principles like covering the live span, psychosocial development, responding on forces, emphasize on gender role and cultural norms and goals mattered. Especially the personality development, as described by Erikson, using the foetus-picture in epigenetic principle laid a spot on what happened in prayer meetings and counselling. It was proofed, that not only the stages of development, that was due to the certain individuals mattered, but also earlier stage developments where involved. Surprising, the male “praying and teaching objects”, which seemed to be strong individuals with clear occupation, with determined high estimated social status and recommended role establishment have been revealed, as making a moratorium.
c) The outer image of loving husbands with strong male gender role expectation should have been the outcome of teaching and praying. But confrontations have been “programmed”: Hidden sins of adultery came to the light under the influence of the HOLY SPIRIT. The moral aspect could not been taught openly, because of taboos and professional discretion. To shorten it: One adulterous husband died suddenly, after been warned not to stay in sin, (“The reward of trespasses is dead!”), another one repented. In conclusion of this, the expected outcome was a greater fear of the LORD in moral personal issues, but only for those, which stood under perpetual teaching and prayer chain. Especially the male gender role identity as “priest in his own house” has been reflected under the theory of Erikson’s stage development. It was important to keep in mind, that certain types of behaviours and relationships are significant at different age levels. It was necessary to be patient, while suspecting the middle-aged to old adult to have been worked out of a negative identity. This was specified by the awareness, that not only adolescents, but even so older adults sometimes under special social circumstances may exhibit characteristics of different identity status types.
Rev. Uwe A.E.Rosenkranz,

Könige, Priester und Propheten/Lehrer

Im Alten Testament offenbart sich GOTT fortschreitend in der Auserwählung, Segnung und Einsetzung von Leitern.
Exemplarisch sollen 4 biblische Leiterschaftstypen aus den Personengruppen Patriarchen, Priester, Könige und Propheten vorgestellt werden und ihre Rolle und Funktion als Leiter erklärt werden.

1. Eine Erklärung der Leiterschaftsrolle und –Funktion des Erzvaters im Alten Testament bis zur Zeit des levitischen Priestertums:
Zu den Patriarchen zählen beispielsweise Hiob, Abraham, Mose, Isaak, Jakob und Josef.
Ihnen allen gemeinsam waren ein großer Hausstand und Reichtum an Land, Vieh, Knechten und Mägden, auch Gold und Silber.
Wurde Hiob anfangs, obwohl er als Reichster und gerechtester Mann seiner Zeit galt, hart geprüft, so wurde ihm der Segen Gottes am Ende doppelt zuteil.
Gott selber sprach zu diesen Erzvätern, wählte sie aus und segnete sie in besonderem Maße. Sie traten gemäß Gottes sich fortschreitend offenbarendem Plan auf, um als Leiter in der Rolle des Vorstandes im eigenen Hause, als auch in den Toren der Stadt und im Volke zu dienen. Dabei übten sie Haushalterschaft, Befehls- und Ratgebung in Kriegssituationen, bei Migrationsbewegungen (Völkerwanderung), Rechtsprechung, Organisation der Herrschaftsautorität aus und standen als Mittler und Beter vor Gott, bauten Altäre und opferten dem „GOTT Abrahams, Isaaks und Jakobs“. Sie gaben Weisheiten und Ratschläge , Gesetz und Führung Gottes an ihr Volk weiter, vollbrachten Wundertaten, legten ihren Geist auf Hauptleute (70 bei Mose), teilten Segen aus, vererbten das Land.
Ihre Rolle als Leiter wurde durch Gott erleichtert, der bei Ortsveränderung selber bei seinem Volk weilte und vor ihnen herzog. Auch Bauprojekte gehörten zu den Funktionen der Patriarchen. Die Arche, Städte, Denkmäler zur Ehre Gottes und die Stiftshütte entstanden so.
Mit Mose und Aaron wurde das Levitische Priestertum begründet.

2.Eine Erklärung der Leiterschaftsrolle und –Funktion des levitischen Priesters:
Einer der Söhne Jakobs, Levi, bildete den Stamm der Leviten, die nominell jedoch bereits zurückreichen, seitdem Abraham durch Melchisedek, den König von Salem gesegnet wurde und ihm den Zehnten gab, und somit als Priestertum nach der Ordnung Melchisedeks dem Herrn geheiligt war. Diese neutestamentliche Offenbarung deutete sich im Alten Testament erst allmählich an, als Gott durch Mose die Gesetzestafeln gab.
Die eigentliche Ordnung des levitischen Priestertums wurde dann begründet durch Mose und Aaron, der die Leviten zum Priesterdienst an der Stiftshütte einteilte.
Zum Amt der Leviten gehörten die Tempeldienste, das Tragen der Bundeslade und der Gerätschaften, das Anführen der Schlachtordnung im Heerlager, sowie die Signalgebung im Kriegs- und Alarmfall. Ihnen oblagen die Opfer-Darreichungen am Brandopferaltar, das Schlachten und Besprengen mit Blut, die Reinigung, und Verbringung der Reste.
Der Dienst im Heiligsten umfasste das Auslegen der Schaubrote, das tägliche Räuchern und die Beschickung des siebenarmigen Leuchters mit Öl. Diese Funktion übernahmen im Wechsel die Obersten der Leviten. In der Rolle des Hohenpriesters gelangte der meist für ein Jahr gesalbte Levit ins Allerheiligste, wo er, nachdem, er erst für sich selbst, dann für das Volk Sühneopfer gebracht hatte. Dort stand er vor der Bundeslade in der Gegenwart der Herrlichkeit des HERRn. Das Spielen der Instrumente und die Gesangsleitung gehörten ebenso zur Funktion des levitischen Priesterdienstes.
Hinzu kamen Segnungs- und Heilungsdienste, das unter „Quarantäne-Stellen“ und Salben von Häusern, Menschen, Tieren, und Landwirtschaft. Die Verkündigung und Auslegung des Gesetzes oblag ihnen.
Sie besaßen als Priester kein eigenes Land, sondern benutzen für Ihr Vieh den Gemeinde-Anger, außerdem gab es einige levitische Städte. Ihr Einkommen bezogen sie aus dem Anteil an Tieropfern, Früchten, und Getreide im Tempel.
Im Brustbeutel ihrer prachtvollen Gewänder bewahrten die Priester das Los „Licht und Recht“ auf und warfen damit das Los, um prophetische Gottesurteile, Auswahl von Land und Leuten und Kriegsentscheidungen zu treffen.

3. Eine Erklärung der Leiterschaftsrolle und –Funktion des Königs im Alten Testament:
Wurde das israelische Volk zunächst von Richtern geleitet, wollte es bald jedoch sein wie die sie umgebenden Völker. So setzte Gott auf ihren Wunsch dann Könige ein, wie Saul, David und Salomon.
Sie wurden durch Propheten (wie Nathan oder Samuel) für diese Leiterschaftsaufgabe gesalbt, nachdem sie von Gott auserwählt worden waren. Als König oblag dem inaugurierten Herrscher die Leitung über die Stämme Israel und Juda. Damit verbunden übte der König Befehlsgewalt aus im Reich, führte das Heer im Kampf an, sprach Recht, hielt Hof und setzte Hauptleute ein. Der Bau von Tempelanlagen, Städten, Befestigungsanlagen und eigenen Residenzen wurde vom König angeordnet und beaufsichtigt. Durch Erlasse nahm der König Einfluss auf die Landespolitik, Landwirtschaft, Bergbau, Hüttenwesen und Metallurgie, Waffenproduktion, Herstellung von Streitwagen, Pferdezucht, Herstellung von Geräten für den Tempel und Materialbeschaffung. Die späteren Könige waren bekannt für ihre Weisheit, ihre Sprüche und ihre Psalmen, wofür sie eigens Musikinstrumente in großer Zahl anfertigen ließen. Auch der Gewürzhandel und Bestandteile der Salböle und Spezereien wurde durch die Könige kontrolliert. Sie hatten das Recht, von besiegten Feinden Tribut einzufordern.
Abgaben, Zölle und Zehnter wurden auf ihre Anweisung hin im Kornhaus gesammelt.
Der König verfügte die Wiedereinsetzung göttlicher Feste, ließ das Gesetz verlesen, setzte den Tempeldienst der Priester wieder ein und veranlasste nach Exil und Wiedereinweihung des Tempels die erneute Einführung der Opferdienste.
Rechtsprechung und Exekutive wurde ebenfalls vom König in seiner Rolle und Funktion als Leiter des Volkes ausgeübt. Gute und Gott wohlgefällige Könige unterstützten das levitische Priestertum und die Propheten und demütigten sich sogar soweit, dass sie selber im Land umhergingen und die Menschen zum Laubhüttenfest nach Jerusalem einluden.
Ihre Gunst und Belohnung für treue Dienste bezeigten sie durch großzügige Landvergabe und Verleihung hoher Ämter, es wurden sogar charitative Dienste auf königliche Anweisung hin eingerichtet, wie Armenspeisungen, Versorgung von Waisen und Witwen, sowie Schutz von Fremdlingen.

4. Eine Erklärung der Leiterschaftsrolle und –Funktion des Propheten im Alten Testament:
Die Leiterschaftsrolle und –Funktion des Propheten im Alten Testament war gemäß der fortschreitenden Offenbarung Gottes sehr unterschiedlich und spezialisiert.
Gemeinsam war allen Propheten die Auserwählung und Einsetzung durch Gott. Teilweise beachteten sie besondere Keuschheitsgelübde und koschere Speisegebote.
Propheten traten in ihrer Rolle als Gesandte Gottes auf, um allgemeine Gesetze, Verordnungen, Anweisungen in speziellen Situationen und konkretes Überbringen göttlicher Botschaften in Bezug auf ihre historische Gegenwart, als auch wahre Voraussagen über zukünftige Ereignisse zu geben.
Durch Propheten wurden Könige eingesetzt und gesalbt, aber auch abgesetzt, bzw. das Ende der Thronfolge angekündigt.
Prophetische Botschaften wurden zuerst den Königen, dann auch dem Volk in schriftlicher Überlieferung oder mündlicher Verkündigung mitgeteilt.
Zur Funktion des prophetischen Dienstes gehörte die Auslegung von Träumen, die Darstellung von Visionen in direkter oder verschlüsselter Form, teilweise auch als Gleichnis oder pantomimische Geste und Körpersprache, um die Pläne Gottes zu übermitteln.
Für die Rolle des Propheten war es absolut notwendig, den Willen Gottes zu ergründen und das vermittelnde Gebet und Fürbitte fürs Volk vor Gott zu tragen. Die Schulung nachfolgender Prophetenschüler, sowie der Segnungsdienst, als auch der Gebetskampf gegen Götzenpriester waren Aufgaben der Gesandten Gottes. Sie hatten Gerichtsurteile Gottes zu verkünden, bekräftigten ihre Autorität durch Wundertaten (wie Dürre und Regen), verbreiteten sowohl Kriegs- als auch Gnadenbotschaften und motivierten durch Verlesen der Heiligen Schrift zu Busse, Umkehr und Nachfolge im gottesfürchtigen Dienst, Heilig dem HERRn.

Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass in Gottes fortschreitender Offenbarung im Alten Testament die Differenzierung der Leiterschaftsfunktion von den Patriarchen zu den Priestern, Königen und Propheten zunimmt. Waren beispielsweise den Erzvätern sowohl königliche wie Priesterliche Dienste erlaubt, war es später den Königen nicht erlaubt, im Tempel Opfer zu spenden. Als Saul sich „unter die Propheten rechnen wollte“, wurde er zum Spott und Sprichwort für die Unvereinbarkeit dieser Leiterschaftsrollen.
Erst mit dem letzten Propheten des Alten Testamentes, Johannes und der Taufe des verheißenen Messias wurde die Rolle der levitischen Priester ersetzt durch das Priestertum nach der Ordnung Melchisedeks und übernahm damit die Funktion von König, Priester und Prophet.
Mit Einführung des allgemeinen Priestertums im Neuen Testament durch den Heiligen Geist offenbarte sich damit die im Alten Testament angelegte Leiterschaftsfunktion für die Gemeinde Christi.

vorab als email an iol@uni-bonn.de Uwe Rosenkranz
Professor Dr. Ulrich Köpke Guckenbühlstr. 19
IOL -Uni Bonn
Katzenburgweg 3 72475 Bitz

53 115 Bonn Bitz, 03.09.2008

Patentverfahren zu „Hügelbeet mit Teich“, DPMA. AZ # 103 07 771.5-23,
mein Schreiben an IOL vom 18.Juni 08, (Anlage noch mal beigefügt)
Beschlussfassung DPMA München mit Schreiben vom 6.August, angeblich versandt laut Poststempel am 14.07.2008, (was mit dem Datum des Schreibens nicht vereinbar ist)- als Einschreiben angekommen irgendwann am Ende der vierten Augustwoche, vermutlich am Samstag, den 23.August,so von mir quittiert bei der Post.

Lieber Prof. Dr. Ulrich Köpke,

in o.g. Patentverfahren zum Landmanagenmentsystem "Hügelbeet mit Teich" ist nunmehr eine plötzliche Beschlußfassung ergangen, die nur noch den legalen Weg der Beschwerde und der persönlichen Erklärung zulassen. Erwartungsgemäß hat sich Frau Dr. Noller-Karst (tel. 089 2195 2833) vom DPMA in München entgegen besserer Erkenntnis darauf versteift, dass die Gegenstände der Patentansprüche zwar nicht der Neuheit entbehren, jedoch die erfinderische Tätigkeit gegenüber Haase,1988 sowie Beba und Knöll,1985 nicht nachgewiesen wäre. Deshalb wird die grundsätzliche Patentierbarkeit zurückgewiesen.
Nun, im Laufe des seit jetzt fast 7 (sieben!) Jahren verschleppten Verfahrens wurde diese behördliche Taktik verschiedentlich versucht und von mir jeweils durch persönlich mündlichen Beleg (mit Kopie meiner Diplomarbeit) oder mit schriftlicher Offenlegung von Forschungsergebnissen entkräftet.

Leider wurden solche statistisch abgesicherten, signifikanten, relevanten und gravierenden erfinderische Leistungen nicht zur Kenntnis genommen, sondern als "im Griff gärtnerischer Praxis" und "lediglich eine Summe bekannter Wechselwirkungen", oder "ohne überraschende Ergebnisse" pauschal abgewertet, ohne auf einzelne Ergebnisse einzugehen.

Meine Beschwerde kommt damit wieder nach Berlin wo ich (nach eingehender Prüfung mit der Patentanwaltskanzlei Grünecker, Kinkeldey, Stockmair & Schwanhäusser, vertreten durch Patentanwalt Dr. Patrick P. Erk, Dipl.Ing(univ.), M.S. (M.I.T.) ) Ende 2001/Anfang 2002 die Patentanmeldung eingereicht habe.

Deshalb möchte ich noch einmal dringend bitten, aus den zitierten Arbeiten (siehe Anlage des emails und Einschreibens vom 18.Juni d.J.) von Becker, Kledtke, Rosenkranz,Schulz, Köpke, (alle OLA) sowie Kraft, Lenz, Sommer et al, (Ökotrophologie, Bonn ) und assoziierten Forschenden die Verweisstellen, die den Bezug auf die Probenherkunft aus den Feldversuchen auf der ALANUS-Hochschule 1987 bis 1992 mit dem Referenzsytem Hügelbeetkultur belegen und beweisen.

Wichtig ist auch, den durch die criss-cross Blockanlage mit drei Faktoren sowie die zunächst als dreifaktorielle Blockanlage mit drei Wiederholungen randomisierten statistisch gesicherten Beweis für signifikante Haupt- und Wechselwirkungen der Prüffaktoren Kompostreife, Licht und Bio-Dyn.Präparate aufzuzeigen. Da ich mittlerweile erkenntnistheoretisch die Kniffe durchschaut und in persönlichen Disputen auch erfolgreich verfochten habe, dass ein Doppel-Blind-Versuch nicht mit einer erhöhten Anzahl an Freiheitsgraden durchgeführt werden kann als vorab also a priori angesetzte statistische Parameter der induktiven Beweisführung aufgrund der Urlisten der Feldversuche möglich machen, darf ich nur noch mal vor einem Pseudo-Mathematischen Procedere warnen, dass die Biometrie zum Spielball launischer olympischer Herrschaft eines würfelnden atheistischen Gottesbildes macht.

Der erste Versuch des DPMA, einige Ansprüche wegen Uneinheitlichkeit ausscheiden zu lassen mit der Begründung, lediglich ästethische Merkmale seien aufgeführt, sind mittlerweile durch Schriften und persönlichen Austausch mit dem renommierten chinesischen Physiker Prof. Chan-Lin Zhang widerlegt. In seinem Buch über "Die dissipative Struktur des elektromagnetischen Feldes in Lebewesen" (Kopien der S. 54, 113, 124, 134 und Abb. 2.2.12 zur harmonischen Klangverteilung an der Oberfläche einer Wassermelone sind diesem vorab als email versandten Einschreiben beigefügt) beschreibt er die Harmonie (=Kohärenz) als ein wesentliches Merkmal von lebenden Organismen oder Systemen.

Diese Harmonie, wie ich sie durch die Entwicklung einer "Sphärenharfe" als Klang-Instrument mit Verfahren zum Erstellen einer Komposition zur harmonischen Anordnung von Pflanzen auf der gewölbten Oberfläche der ringförmig um einen Teich angeordneten Hügelbeetkultur als ursprüngliche Ansprüche der Patentanmeldung in Berlin vorgelegt habe, ist jetzt mit einem in Serie hergestellten Instrument (www.coherency.de) einfach messbar. Dies wurde mir dieses Jahr vom deutschen Dipl.Ingenieur Max Reinhard, in Zusammenarbeit mit Dipl. Ing (FH) Dietrich Stöckl bestätigt.

Beim Informationszentrum des DPMA in Berlin habe ich vor Anmeldung meines Patentes eine ähnliche Verfahrenstechnik der Rubrik agr.auf dem Flachland als Vergleich der grundsätzlichen Patentierbarkeit herangeführt. Hier wurde die Übertragbarkeit von Klang, Volumen, Tonhöhe auf Pflanzenanordnung nach Farbe, Wuchshöhe und Standraumzumessung im Landschaftsbau patentiert.

Mein Instrument differenziert noch einmal in direkt-mechanischer (durch ein medizinisches Stethoskop), in analoger (durch einen Kristall-Tonabnehmer), sowie durch digitale Technik in mp3/4 -Qualität die Komposition fröhlicher Musik in ein harmonisch-kohärentes Arrangement der Pflanzen auf der ROSARY-Kultur. Dabei wird die Schwebungsfrequenz (f1-f2) der Fouriertransformation genutzt, um beim rosa Rauschen bei erhöhter Frequenz mit geringerer Amplitude eine präzisere und harmonischere (d.H. kohärente) Übertragung von Musik auf Farbe (der Pflanzen) zu erzielen.
Wir kennen diese natürliche Assimilation der Energie des Lichtes beim grünen Blatt an dem für Chlorophyll A und B charakteristischen Frequenz/Amplitide- Spektrum. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer harmonischen Energieverteilung bei fröhlicher Musik ist bei 0,7 Mikro-A um den Faktor 10 erhöht. (siehe S.124, Zhang,ebenda) Das heisst, dass Testpersonen (als auch Pflanzen,bzw. lebendige Systeme: siehe Versuche zur Wassermelone) eine ganz neue Dimension von Harmonie erleben. Das steigert die Kohärenz der ROSARY-Hügelbeetkultur mit Teich um mindestens das Zehnfache.

Bei den im IOL bekannten Feldversuchen auf der ALANUS wurden ja neben wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen auch künstlerische und philosophische Ergebnisse gesammelt.
Eine davon war, nach dem chinesischen Taichi die Interpretation des Faktores Licht in eine Nord- und eine Südseite so zu sehen, wie es beim chinesischen Hügelbeet gemacht wird.
Dabei ist YANG (=111) das männliche Prinzip mit der "nach Süden ausgerichteten Hügelseite, wo die Morgensonne aufgeht" =Südexposition, und YIN (=000) das weibliche Prinzip die nach Norden ausgerichtete Seite des Hügels, wo die Abendsonne untergeht" = Nordexposition.siehe S. 113, Abb. 4.3.5, like Seite in Zhang, ebenda).
Die Weiterentwicklung der die Richtlinien für die EG-Ökoverordnung zur Einführung des Biosiegels mitbegründenden Grundlagenforschung mit dem Referenzsystem Hügelbeetkultur von der Differenzierung in eine YANG und eine YIN-Seite (=Licht und Schatten, Süd und Nord) stellt somit erfinderisch eine Neuerung dar. Die Anordnung im kreisförmig um einen Teich aufgewölbten Hügelbeet mit dem Kreis als Grundstruktur entwickelt den Begriff der dynamischen Balance weiter und macht ihn für digitalisierte Daten (wie sie bei einer "Pflanzenkomposition" mit Tonhöhe, Takt, Volumen, abgebildet auf die Pflanzenparameter Farbe, wuchshöhe, Standraumzumessung in einer mehrfaktoriellen Matrix visualisiert werden) begreifbar.
Die Auffassung, dass der Anmeldungsgegenstand der ursprünglichen Patentansprüche (beim DPMA München schliesslich als eingegangen dokumentiert am 14.Februar 2003) keine erfinderische Leistung erkennen lässt, ist deshalb unbegründet.
Die offengelegten Entgegenhaltungen der Schriften von Beba und Haas aus 1985 und 1988 stehen dem nicht entgegen, da keineswegs nur gemeinsame Anwendung von Merkmalen als Summe bekannter Wirkungen erreicht wurden.
Das als gängiges handwerkliches Können als für den Fachmann selbstverständlich darzustellen, ist nicht nachvollziehbar , da das von mir als erfinderische Leistung als Projektleiter und Teilnehmer am Doktoranden-Colloquium dokumentiert und archiviert wurde, und zwar von 1987 bis 1991 an der Professur für organischen Landbau, im Kurriculum Universale der Uni Bonn, in der Ökologie-Ringvorlesung und eben auch an der Fakultät für Ökotrophologie,sowie an der Freien Akademie für Bildende Künste ALANUS in Alfter bei Bonn; zumal Experten in Netzwerken wie science4life (2002/3), Steinbeis-Institut für Technologie- und Wissenschaftstransfer (TOP)( 2004), sowie RKW (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft für Rationalisierung, Kontrolle und Innovation (2004/5) einhellig aufgrund der evaluierten und auf nachhaltige Tragfähigkeit spezialisierten Expertisen berechnet zum Ergebnis kommen, dass meine erfinderische Leistung eben unangezweifelt von großem gesamtgesellschaftlichen Nutzen und cash-Flow bezogen einen hohen Mittelrückfluß erwarten läßt.
Meine seitdem originär verfassten essays zum Thema ROSARY-Hügelbeetkultur gelten vor der Global University, als auch beim www.Professorenforum.de als anerkannt ;und Prof. Peter Zöller-Greer, der den zweiten Band der Symposien zusammen mit Herrn Hahn verfasst, hat den durch seinen call-for-papers von mir angefragten Apologetischen Aufsatz, der das Phänomen der Metamorphosen an Pflanzen bei der Hügelbeetforschung als einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Sieg des "Intelligent Design" über die "Evolutionstheorie" erkannt und den Abdruck in Aussicht gestellt.

Mir ist es ausserdem allmählich zuwider, gegenüber ignoranten Stellen in muffigen Behörden, die sich sonst fast nur mit "den Aufprallwinkeln von Saatgut auf einem Prallteller beschäftigen", in kafkaesker Weise meine Brain-power und Führungsqualität rechtfertigen zu sollen. Ich habe genauso, wie ich synergetische Effekte aus Forschung, Wirtschaft, Politik und Exekutive bei Akzeptanz der H1-Hypothesen, dass es einen erfinderischen emergenten Fortschritt gibt, der sich auch als Patentlösung für den Klimawandel einsetzen läßt, prognostiziert habe, davor gewarnt, einen Fehler zweiter Art (H²-Hypothese); (Beibehaltung der H°-Hypothese=status quo, gärtnerisch, handwerklich,fachmännisches Können, keine erfinderische Leistung) bei tatsächlich statistisch nachgewiesenen höchst-signifikanten und global relevanten emergenten Erfindungs-und Entwicklungsvorsprüngen aufgrund der eingereichten und vorliegenden Patentansprüche zu begehen. Der angerichtete Schaden bei mutwilligem Randomisieren und Marginalisieren ist weitaus größer, als das den vordergründigen Anschein hat.

Die jetzt auffällige überstürzte negative behördliche Beschlussfassung, bei strafbarem Übergehen eines erneuten Bescheides unter unwahrhafter Vorspiegelung,es hätten keine weiteren Eingaben für eine neue Entscheidungsgrundlage vorgelegen, zeigt, dass die ursprünglich vom deutschen Kaiser erlassene Gesetzesverfassung, die den Schutz des geistigen Erbes und Gutes des Erfinders sichert, längst instrumentalisiert ist und zu einer Innovationsbremse und korrupter Beamten- und Globaler Neoliberaler Macht- und Pfründeverwaltung degradiert wurde.So sehen das jedenfalls einige Politikprofessoren als auch Kreise aus dem Vatikan,die mir in diesem Zusammenhang nicht nur eine persönliche General-Absolution 2003 erteilt haben, sondern auch allen dem Schutz des Lebens auf diesem Planeten entgegenwrikenden Destruktivismus geisseln und brandmarken.
Dennoch will und werde ich es nicht unversucht lassen, mittels einer Beschwerde, sei es "GOTT zur Ehr, dem Feinde zur Wehr" einen weiteren Stein des Anstosses zu setzen.

Es ist ja durchaus möglich, dass besonnenere Kreise in Jena, Bonn oder Berlin durchaus noch den sozialen Frieden (das war z.B. einer der Beweggründe für das Gentechnikrecht und die ff.Verordnungen) wollen und legitimen friedlich aufbauenden Ansprüchen sich nicht entgegenstellen.
Ich hoffe, Ihr im IOL leidet da nicht unter der scheinbaren "Gnade" des bei politischem Richtungswechsel spontan einsetzendem kollektiven Vergessen bei entweder "später Geburt" oder mit plötzlich einsetzendem Alzheimer-Syndrom in Wechselwirkung mit Freud´schen Fehlleistungen beim retrospektivem Quellenretuschieren und organisatorischem Rückbau gesamtgesellschaftlicher Errungenschaften, wie das beim Ende der Reagan-Aera salonfähig wurde und geistlich in kirchlichen Leiterschaftskreisen 2003 in Berlin wieder einmal seine Vorschatten warf. Damals wurde nach dem ersten deutschen ökumenischen Kirchentag eine Umstrukturierung der vom letzten deutschen Kaiser gestifteten (Bau-) Soldatenkirche am Südstern vorgenommen mit Demontage der Leiterschaftsebene, um einen längst überfälligen Durchbruch einer Bewegung der geistlichen Erneuerung zu verhindern. Davon waren etwa 1 Mio protestantischer Christen in Berlin und Brandenburg betroffen.
Hierbei geht es jedoch nicht um das Seelenheil eines kleinen Kirchenvolkes, dass einigen rückständigen mittelalterlichen Fronherren gemäß " Schäfchen in´s Trockene bringen" will, sondern um tatsächlich weltweit stattfindende Katastrophen (wie aktuell am Beispiel "New Or Leans"), die die Mächtigen und Weisen dieser Welt zu ohnmächtigen Narren werden lassen. Was soll also dies kleinliche Geplänkel?
Wenn ihr im IOL keine Zeit habt, mal ein paar Seiten online nach München zu schicken oder ein paar Kopien zu machen und ein klärendes Telefonat zu führen, wie wollt ihr massgeblich mitwirken im ehemaligen "Langen Eugen", um ein weltweites Klima-Regime mitzugestalten?
Also, wenn Ihr mich wirklich unterstützen wollt, erwarte ich Eueren offenbarenden Einsatz bis zur Deadline ^6.September 2008 beim:
Deutschen Patent- und Markenamt, Technisches Informationszentrum, 10958 Berlin.
Danach kann ich im internationalen Chor des "Longlasting,loud and legal" die Legalität- zumindest was das winzige Projekt Hügelbeetkultur anbelangt- nicht mehr nach ausssen gewährleisten - dann wird hart gespielt gegen "dirty tricks".
Ich hoffe, dass Ihr Euch da richtig positioniert.

Bis dahin,
in alter geschwisterlicher Liebe und Freundschaft,
Uwe Rosenkranz

The ROSARY RIDGEBED ROUNDABOUT >> siehe > Powerpoint-Präsentation- Klimaschutzprojekt ROSARY-CER
2.1: Rosary autark
Rosary Well

2.10.: Durch einen Brunnen wird Grundwasser zugeführt.
2.11.: Die Beregnung kann wahlweise aus dem Teich, dem Brunnen oder über
2.12.: einen Füllstandsmesser aus einem
2.13.: erhöht (H) liegenden Tank mittels
2.14.: Nieder-Druckregler dosiert werden.

2.15. Leitung
2.16. Dachabwasser
2.17. Fallrohr
2.18. Hauswasseranschluß
2.19. Zentralstation

Is Cat Breeding a nice hobby for kids?

A) rgumentative Essay
Is Cat Breeding a nice hobby for kids?
Thesis: Cat breeding is not always funny.

I.) Introduction:
“Oh, Mom, look at this funny cat! – I want a cat, too!”
Words like that can be heard, when little children first see our Persian, silver shaded, streamed beauties. Is cat breeding a nice hobby for kids?
I think it is not always funny.

II.) Breeding as a hobby:
As a Christmas gift, we started 3 years ago with a small pretty little tiger; because he seems to have tears in his eyes, when departed from his mother, we decided to buy a female mate for him. Now, actually, seven fuzzy creatures jump around in our house.
We had to learn, that these animals have sharp teeth and nails.
Their long white hair needs daily care. The behaviour of the whole flock is very dynamic; each one has its own character. All of them want love, food, good health care and wellness support. That influences family life night and day. If you decide to share membership in a professional breeding-society, be aware to see the horrible monsters, you would ever dream of, cradled in boxes! Breeding needs knowledge of genetic code and laws. Please don’t let creatures be the victims of childish hobbyists!

III.) Resources:
It costs a lot to hold the herd of a dozen silver shadows in good condition. Our animal doctor makes a good deal on it. She is having a nice extravagant holiday, with the content of your deposits. We have to stay at home- for the next decades, or mark the cats with ear buttons for scanning, international passport, and risk long periods of clinical preventive-quarantine.
Space and room for playing versus serious work appears to be a long lasting conflict about resources. When your sweet beloved small lion stares at you with wide open eyes, tapping around on the keyboard and wants to help you with your computer task, please don’t embarrass. Better have a break and play with it. Otherwise you may come back after some other job and find your PC book- marked by a wet, smelling spot.
Animals use to smell, their output is not always well.
Living in a cat’s world causes changes in behaviour. Talking with animals seems to be strange even for little children. It is possible, you are not longer respected as a grown up with such spleeny affects.

IV.) Security:
A few days ago, local newspapers reported of a Persian cat, which survived in nature. When it was caught, it had a 15 cm filcy hair-fleece to be cut off.
After shaving the dread locks an ugly animal of only 2kg remained.
You feel pity about it, since that is not funny at all. Please keep your animals at home!
Incredible stress will come from your family members, who never wanted any of them, when you suddenly loose only one of the cats, which dedicated you as his most-beloved human being.
If you are forced to sell one of your favourite pelt-wearers, all the other sophistic-cats recognize you, like Judas Iscariot has been a good guy against you.
Humble cat breeder better start to reject any harm and injury from their little ones. To prevent accidents outside, you may plan a huge garden-fence - but cats use to jump above the edge or climb beyond a tree. House and garden after a while look like a castle- but when a lack is found- and there is some, anytime- you cannot prevent playing hide and seek with your small-ear- playmates.

V.) Environmental collateral damage:
One neighbour, who has taken a silver shaded pride from us, is breeding birds at the same time. He is taking care with a double fence around the boxes with his more than 200 exotic singers. On one hand, up to now there has been no reclamation; on the other hand, it’s not so easy to count the birdies every day! In our garden not even bigger birds like hawks have been seen and even the brown-coloured ferrets and chicken-blood-sucking pine-marten stay absent. The whole flock of hunting ermine-white Persian beasts is the dead of any humming bird.
Many cats are the mice’s dead, says a speech.

VI.) Argues:
Some may ask: ( J)”Have you ever read the stories of “The wind in the willows”? If so and you love it, be sure, you will have pleasure in cat breeding.” – Yes, one may be right in thinking this way, but reading nice tales about wildlife animals with human characters is a different thing than being a professional cat breeder.
Since one of the loveliest creatures under God’s sun has won your heart, your life is full of adventures and miracles. Who turned the ventilator out, which is hanging 4 meters high under the roof, or why does the fridge door is standing wide open in the morning? If you ask your Persians, they smile at you, licking their paws. You would miss your little friends. Yes, indeed, but what, if they lay bleeding at the sidewalk of the street, strived by a motorcar?
So, if you decide to be so weak to do what you feel, don’t hold back in holding cats. But, I have warned you! JJ Your resources could be less sustainable than the playing and hunting instinct of the animals needs.

VII.) Conclusion:
If your own children want to have a Persian cat, please convince them to choose an easier and cheaper hobby. J J J

B) Analysis and evaluation of written essay:

The main theme of the argumentation essay is cat breeding.
The thesis is stated, that breeding cats is not always funny; as a pre-conclusion it is declared not to be a good hobby for children.
The reader is lead through arguments that support the single point.
First it is chronologically confirmed, how the hobby started. Obviously the writer is familiar with the theme.
Unity is given by logical structure of the arguments.
Special needs for hobbies stand against professional breeding requirements.
Resources, Security, and environmental damage are headlined as strong pros supporting the thesis.
In order to convince the reader, some cons are stated at the end.
Coherence is shown through the inner strategy to convince the reader.
Critical control points are worked out exactly.
Using tactful, courteous language, demonstrates sentence skills.
With error free words and logical grammar, common grounds are shown, through hinting on newspaper reports and professional breeding rules.
Humouresc details are overemphasized, like the “book marking” of the PC to break the serious sharpness, which children sometimes have on this matter.
Different viewpoints are acknowledged and their valid merits are granted.
Loving animal stories and fairy tales take the argument of children’s enthusiasm. But the shocking reality of an accident is set as a stronger viewpoint.
Because the reader usually has strong feelings about this issue; the need to rebut the opposing arguments has been realized. Lack of resources and difficulties to control the critical points of hazard analysis are empowered.
After mentioning all points, the conclusion against the counterarguments is stated.
The forcing logic of true arguments with its intimate knowledge about the problems of cat breeding has been pointed out clearly. Through the lines the mood of childish eagerness to have a cat has been estimated. Loving helpless creatures is the motivation to write this essay. The reader is softly convinced by being token at his arm and leaded into a private zoo’s experience.
It has not been the goal just to overcome counterarguments, but to let the reader be partner of the writer’s own feelings about the matter. To see only one side of the medal- the funny animal and the nice hobby, would degrade the worth of the Persian cats, with their own specific needs. There for serious breeding skills and required professionalism is demanded.

Columban I. has been injured at Stonehenge in the Year of 400 AD. His later priest Columban II has been travelling along to LeCarnac, when he landed at Isle of St.Michéle in Northern France at 566 AD.
In the 11th Century, ERIC II, dedicated King of Denmark arrived at LeCarnac with 300 horsemen. The CRAB FOG, a supernova dated his landing.
The Old riddle, that he hired from his forefathers lead him to the grave of Columban. He discovered the secret and found a golden shield with a heraldic message, which leaded him to the Holy Land.
I. Prolog – The Old Druide
II. The Crab Fog
III. Fire in the ring of stones
IV. The Riddle-Rhyme
V. Beta-Pi-Taw
VI. The Heritage
VII. The Discovery
VIII. Epilogue – The Promised Land

The early Canaan “beta” (п), the Greek “Pi” (∏,) and the Celtic rune of double “TT” (Ħ, called “Taw” Л), are here figured as:
Beta, Pi, Tot (from Túath- Celtic prince or king),
Today used as “sum of all”; totally

Anamchara – friend of soul, cellmate of a peregrine.
Bangor- Monastery in Northern Ireland.
Cana – spoken law or rule.
Columban II. - Christian monk in the tradition of druids.
Crab Fog- supernova in the year 1054-56, described by Chinese astronomers, appeared to be a light, shiny fog- it came very suddenly, from one day to the other.
Druids- wise men of Celtic culture.
EMUNAH- “The Remarkable”-name of ERIC II.
EVERGOOD - name of ERIC I.
Horsemen- riding soldiers, following the King.
Iona- Island at the coast of Scotland.
Jacobin Way- Pilgrims were wandering this way to the Holy Land.
Kinsmen- sons, cousins and younger relatives.
Knights of St.John – Brotherhood of men in tradition of the Apostle John.
LeCarnac- “Karnack” - place in Northern France- today Bretagne.
Lindisfarne - monastery on the isle of Iona.
Peregrinus, peregrines – people, who were banned and separated from their families, here- Title for priests and monks, who separated their life’s for JESUS CHRIST
St. Michelle – isle at the Bretagne shore in northern France
Stonehenge - Celtic culture ceremonial place in Northern Ireland.
Stonewall- long alley of two walls of ceremonial stone columns.
Summer set – here: south direction, where the sun has its culmination point in summer.
Triangle - geometric figure, triangulation line.
Túath – member of reigning upper class

Chapter I

In the year of 554 Columban I., the Old Irish Druid took the white robe of the peregrines.
He gave a Cana to his Anamchara: whenever one of them shall be dying isolated from the continent, they shall bury him in sacred soil, where “heaven meets the earth”. He went from Lindisfarne to Iona, moved to Bangor and later on shipped to the isle of Mont St.Michéle in France. On his way over the Channel, his boat was conquered by some Walsh ships. He was wounded and his mates brought his injured body to the monolith stones of LeCarnac. His breaking eyes saw the circle of ring wall at the end of the long alley. “YES, it’s done! Let this astronomic clockwork come to the righteous heir oft the Kingdom of Christ!” With these words he laid his head down forever. A sudden shiny star appeared and marked a cross in the ring of fire at the end of the row, when his spirit vanished in the misty air.
The shivering golden shield of Stonehenge, showing the seven stars, telling from former times, and predicting the future, passed to his Anamchara.
A long time ago, when even the pyramids have not been built, this star shield has been manufactured by an unknown master, now it was buried as a gift together with Columban´s corpus.
Chapter II – ERIC
500 years later a few Viking ships anchored at the coast of Bretagne. Foreigners launched the boats for sea and landed between the rocks. Misty fogs covered the illuminated shore, myriads of little crabs colonised the black stones and swift basins. But this fog was not normal. Superstitious starlight sparkling through the set of sun like gigantic weather lightening showed the northern conquerors their way to the columns of Karnack.
The horses trampled hastily over the grassland. Eric kept a tight rein on his brave Friesian. His horse stood still, stamping nervously on the ground, while the young king was waiting for the whole army with their fair-haired Shetland-ponies. 300 Horsemen followed ERIC II, the uncrowned Prince of Denmark.
“Anon!” shouted Eric- “Brave hearts, let us have a rest under the bricks of the ring wall, before this shiny midsummer night will give message of our heartily welcomed army in this area of evil!” His elder horsemen went in front of the younger soldiers, finding a place to calm down and bind the steaming animals.
At the glowing horizon the purple haze fog arose with spots of fluffing white clouds, looking like a herd of sheep, comforted by a good Shepard.

Chapter III – Fire in the ring of stones
The warm flames of the fire in the midst of the circle of stones licked like tongues of snakes around the shades of the monoliths. Between the burning heaven and the deep blue see Eric’s kinsmen seemed to be caught by a crucial test. An atmosphere of anxious rumour lay around the dancing figures of trees and rocks. Each silhouette pretended to be a kind of dragon. A golden shiny mood lightened the faces of the tired men, who were carefully cradled among their Christian crosses and the Celtic columns.
When the cracking crossfire of the cooked crabs came to an end, chalices of beer and baked bread were given from one to another.
Eric washed his hands and held his arms into the rough midsummer wind. His Northland Heroes prepared the saddle and helmet beds. While they sat down and began to sleep, their young king took breeze and walked across the circle. The salt of the nearby see smelled spicy in his thirsty throat. He remembered the blessing, which his father gave to him, when he sent him offshore. Hornets of met, wine, and beer amused his companions. The whole flock was sent amongst the wolves. Eric wanted to sing and tell old stories with his friends, but something suspicious seemed to stimulate the senses of the severe sovereign. His solid valiant warrior’s shoulders stretching up towards the sparkling stars, he took his shield and spear. Exactly in the middle of the two huge stonewalls, which built a long spacey corridor, he found a watchtower. He climbed up the few steps and looked upon the warning rocky fingers, scraping the sky. When he figured out the shapes of Celtic culture, he immediately shivered. Quickly he jumped down and ran into the centre of the circle. He put down his shield with the leather surface onto the ground. From the inner side of the shield he turned out a round plate that was fixed in the centre and marked the evening star in the north. With the outer ring of the soucer he figured the Great Bear. Then he marked the point, where the circle of the rocks crossed the constellation of Taurus.
Although his chevaliers knew little about their leader’s Arcanum behaviour, they were astonished, when he suddenly drew his sword, holding it like a cross into the southern sky and stroke it with a majestic curve into a piece of soft soil surface among the surrounding stony ground.
The sword sang like a harp, when it hit the ground. The hauling of a greyhound answered. The Crab Fog and the full summer moon gave this pale scene a superstitious look.

Chapter IV – The Riddle-Rhyme
Eric commanded his leaders into the midst of the stonewall circle. Before they could argue, he explained the specific situation with his sonar voice:
“Dear Sirs, noblemen and honourable infants,” he started to speak loud.
“Please allow me, as your humble servant, to bring to your notice, what the ears of your elders and forefathers would eagerly want to hear for a thousand of years; generation after generation have been waiting for this moment to face, and you have the privilege to feel the fear of this fascinating culmination of time!”
He put his feet step by step from his shield in the centre to the spear in the north.
“Twelve steps to the Northern Land!” he proclaimed.
Without stumbling he stepped towards them to the blank steel of his sword, sticking at the South.
“Thirteen to the Summer Set” –
“Triangle to the root of that” –
“There lies the wise man’s head in bed!”

Chapter V – Beta, Pi, Taw

Just some little guys started laughing and giggling. They had a good pint of beer and liked the fairy tales of mystery and imagination. But, all at once, they stopped, when Eric seriously swore by the Name of the One and Only GOD and broke the seal of silence, which had held this suspicious space time after time under its spell. “JESUS!”- He shouted. Six hundred ears followed King Eric’s Proclamation and no fewer eyes stared at him, when he with the security of a dream dancer went to the altar-like plate of a plain rock, standing between the spear and the sword 5 steps outside of the circle. Lightened by the fire and the stars the figure of the stone built the letter of Beta-Pi-Taw.
Chapter VI – The Heritage
“My Dear Brethren”, whispered young Eric. “Since the days, when my beloved father Eric I. King of Denmark – blessed be his soul, for ever good he was!- lay the burden of kingdom upon my shoulders, this former age riddle was given to my heritage. `T is the word of an Old Druid – Columban was his name! The Irish Monks who first built monasteries in this Britannic Land gave his knowledge to the blood line of the Danish Kings, whose forefathers had been slaughtered by the same fiends, the Anglo-Saxon Walsh Dragon-Shield-Wearers! Never shall their cursed souls come into the circle of council! – A shiver ran down the necks of the brave soldiers, when they heard the fate of blame.
“Old Columban I. was ripped by the same bride of evil at the green fields of Stonehenge, ere he could give the good message to his brotherhood on the isle of Iona!” Eric raised his mighty voice. ”Lindisfarne Love-Song-Bards should bring his dying body to the blessed land. At this place, under the stones, his head has been buried!” 300 mouths stood wide open. “Hurry up, beloved kinsmen, let’s see, what heraldic message Columban´s grave will give to the brave!” – “RAVE, RAVE”- The echoes of Eric’s words came back from the ring of remedy between the Crab Fog from heaven and the herd fire on earth.

Chapter VII – The Discovery
Fifty men were enough to bear the weight of LeCarnac.
The stones cry, if the good news of the martyrs will not be heard.
Eric’s fulfilled the proof of divine word with the top of his sword.
He unbend the secret of the columns.
Under the solid rock of Columban´s last house, the Knights of St. John found the famous copper shield with golden necklace, showing the seven stars; this old Druid astronomic instrument was built from an unknown master in the fog of former times. Eric took the plate with the inner ring and placed it into the similar plate that stickled under the surface of his own shield. The peaces fit together! He held the navigation instrument against the Northern star and fixed the hole again to the Great Bear. This was the Cairos, the moment, when divine destination showed the whole congregation their direction to the Promised Land, along the Jacobin Way to Jerusalem.
Epilogue – EMUNAH
The Adventure began and some other story has to fit all the fabulous tales about Eric II, called EMUNAH by his horsemen, who are worthy to be remembered. But this shall be told another time.
1599 words.

2. Analysis and Evaluation of written essay:
This historical narration is settled in the early middle ages. LeCarnac, a sacred monolith stonewall is the stage of the novel-like scenes. First Columban appears and dies. His character represents the Christian missionary with Celtic-druid cultural background. In the next act Eric II, Prince of Denmark moves on stage.
In order to support the single point of Celtic Culture and its influence on European Christianity, the author shows specific evidence through the authentically historical persona of Eric Emunah.
The King’s character, his astronomical knowledge in the tradition of the druids and his strong belief in Jesus Christ organize the next chapters and connect the content with the main theme.
Coherence is given by the long time lasting heritage and familiar privileges, which combine elements of both cultures. The blessing of his forefathers and the continuity of the bloodline of his Kingdom is used as an issue to affect and transfigure the Priesthood of former ages with leadership in the Christianized European middle ages. The genetic code of the divine destination is described as the missing link between mystery and historical fact.
This essay is based on several sources with a clear message, according to the title. The main point is dealt on by some frame stories, which fit together like a historic puzzle. As a symbol of the defragmentation the two pieces of astronomic shields- as prototypes of modern sextants- are set together. By this means chronological and logical coherence is supported.
Depending on the archaic setting, the Glossary explains the words that are unusual today.
Sentence skills; have been demonstrated obviously, by means of figures, parallelism and symbols from historical drama (like Shakespear´s Macbeth or Hamlet). E.G. the riddle-rhyme uses the dramatic stile of poem and combines it with astronomical knowledge, in order to increase the tension. Strong figures are used, like the symbolism of п, ∏, TT, Ħ, Л, which represent the shape of the altar-stone.
This means can be transported into other cultures to cross communication barriers. (Referring to the ICI-Course “Cross cultural communication”). This can be proofed by using Gnostic knowledge (some say “esoteric”) from Feng Shu, the Asian spirituality. The sign for “Creation Power” appears to look similar to the altar-like desk of Columban´s grave and therefore is giving a link to Jesus-centred belief with an earnest signification of the cross as a symbol for resurrection and spiritual new life in the tradition of the messianic heritage of being a son of GOD.
Arcade wisdom uses such lectures as well as eastern gurus, when teaching with symbolic figures and anagrammed NLP. “KOANs” help to open doors of heart and head and feeling like keywords. “Brecht´s Theatre” (BERTHOLD BRECHT, e.g. ANTIGONE or his arrangement for “Die Neuen Leiden des jungen Werther”) uses this stylistic means by creating an effect of being a foreigner. From this outer look the identification persona (here: ERIC as the main character and identification figure) takes fortune in discovery of a secret. That brings the reader into the option to realize the secret for him from a higher level of recognition. The smart solution to do that in a single stand situation, is not giving force unto the reader, but is leading swiftly to the key point. “Get out of your selfish grave of egocentric isolation!” – This unheard shout sounds from the present state of the art from every line of the essay. This is bringing spiritual freedom.
In the context of Integral Spirituality (Ken Wilber and others, 2007/2008) this progress is actually made in literature. Post-modern writers and thinkers are not only randomly amused, when the contextualization of the Cartesian System with the four coordinates into literature provokes the reader to step out of his self-centred orientation (often just poorly covered as “Jesus-Centred Belief”) into a spiritual communication with individuals beyond himself and the acting characters of the narration.
To tell it easily in own words, the following example may give a mind opening brainstorm. Spelling words in funny English opens the door for playing scrabble games: The sentence “He unbanned the secret of the columns” hints to the name of the Old Druid COLUMBAN.
The historical fact of the appearance of the Crab Fog is transfigured to the natural phenomenon of the crab colonies along the shore of northern France. A kind of deeper irony is demonstrated, when the soldiers grilled the crabs. This is a parabolic image of the priority of rational Christendom over the anxious pagan mysticism. Drinking beer and laughing at fairy tales is interrupted by the proclamation of “Jesus!” We find examples of such scenes to create serious atmosphere in literature, like the “porter scene” in Macbeth.
The flux of chapters is brought to an order of logic, to go straight through the main theme. Attending to reach the aim of unity, support, coherence and sentence skills, the eight chapters fit the idea in the act of the characters. It could have been said with fewer words by arguing on the single point, but the dramaturgical scenario leads the reader into the strange atmosphere, realizing the danger of using archaic language and deadwood phrases. Shakespeare, e.g. would have said „fiends“, instead of „enemies“. A kind of mysterious clockwork would never been mentioned as a modern navigation instrument. (In fact: research discovered, that these instruments first have been mentioned in the 13. century. Raymond Lull, the well-known founder of universities like Sorbonne and Oxford, who used such plates not only as a sextant, but also as a computer, demonstrating his syllogistic framework of spirituality). On the one hand a fine temper between showing sentence skills, which is helpful to create an authenticable atmosphere and the rule of using clear words and correct spelling, is carefully estimated; on the other hand the reader is confronted with a hard stuff. The skills of reading between the lines and feel into the ensemble of scenario are hardly demanded. In a pre-test, the author was reading the story to an A-level-auditory and was surprised, that there was no break of tension. The hearer of the story, even if not all of the details have been understood, could follow the inner spirit of the act and listened carefully. The contents had been remembered and logical mistakes have been corrected. The contrast between former English and writing modern American stile, which is supposed to be normative to be “written in better English”, is chosen, to bring the reader back from bloomy past into cool presence. The tension between over-emphasizing supernatural signs and wonders and presenting error-free sentences with clear intention is used as means to build a bridge between Old-fashioned romanticism and post modernity. As a logical consequence of the historical attitudes, classical elements and stylistic formulas have been used. To my mind the freedom of arts in this novel-like poetry longs for the righteousness of the reader to judge, whether the essay is a true story or a fairy tale. This is because both elements like” tales of mystery and imagination” and words like “worthy to remember” (=EMUNAH) in the epilogue are closing circles, hinting again to the title and character of the narration. One needs to decide the value of information by separating the broken down rough message into a scale of graduation. Avoiding redundancy, which would have caused boring disinterest in a post-modern society, needs a high scale density of digital information.
The outlook “this shall be told another time” encloses this novel into a set of stories.
As a conclusion of the author’s intention to write this story the way he did, one may argue that the leading character Eric II. later on appeared to be the first Templar, known as “Rosenkranz” =ROSARY). This is, because in fact Eric Emunah has been the name-giver of the family, clan or dynasty of Rosenkranz, as a privilege from the Pope, Eric and his horsemen freed from the so called “Babylonian Captivity”. In this constellation the leading character occurs to be the most relevant cornerstone between Ire-Celtic Christianity in the early middle-ages and the reconciliation of the Roman-Catholic Empire in European and worldwide Christhood.
With the present narration I am going to my own historical roots. This short novel is one of the first fruits that efforts in “Writing Better English” bear. Creating a personal, passionate stile has been more important than just being “perfect” (or imperfect- not only from grammatical point of view, but even in space and time).
Please estimate the blood and sweat it may have cost to be so familiar (in the true sense of the word!) with the theme. Today’s English for Foreign Language writing seems to taste a little bitter-sweet, like new vine in old storage. To my humble opinion it’s not too sophisticated to be measured with masterpieces of classic drama, (like Shakespeare), because the overcome of hybris is a goal of downfall, caused by pride. In my case this is the overwhelming theme in a generation-review like condensed in the craft of this art. It has been a hard work, and a young and wise man is better than an old and foolish king.
What do others think about? After analysing and evaluating the essay, I discussed it on an internet platform with international authors. One of them actually sent the content to an English-writing friend, to use the theme for a roman.


Shakespear, William. Macbeth, Reclam heft, 1977)
Skakespear, William, Hamlet, Reclam Heft, 1978
Peter Müller, Columbans Revolution. IGW international, 22.7.2007
Die Entstehung des Alphabets, Joseph Naveh. Palphot Ltd; Jerusalem 1996.

The happiest day of my life


In 1995, our congregation built a new church in Bonn.
We did this work almost by our own. When we completed the interior, which was really hard work, we were nearly worn up to the ground.

I. Accept no limit:
A. Men after work
For recreation we decided to organize a male outdoor excursion. Finding the motto “accept no limits”, printing t-shirts and imagine the place of destination was easily done.
Austria became our goal. We started our tour in the valley of the river Lech, well-known as an extreme torrent.
B. Cant get enough
Surrounded by the huge mountains, the pretty landscape covered by the early summer’s green sleeves invited us, to hear the call of the open air.
The singing morning birds were astonished flying into the yellow haze of the sky, when a company of 24 human beings arrived at the tremendous shores of the river.
C. Well prepared
We were fully dressed in survival waistcoats. Each of the 3 teams built with 8 of us were carrying a fully inflated rubber rafting boat.

II. Brotherhood
A. Fellow- members
Always singing gospels, we started to look forward to that funny new hobby, we where eager to expire. Rafting in wild water shall be big fun!
B. The agreement
Then, our youth pastor, asked us to build couples of team-mates. Two and two should give a promise to help each other, when getting in trouble.
C. The handicap
When Michael, my partner prayed with me, he explained, that he is handicapped. Whenever jumping into cold water, his body is going to be shocked and becoming stiff, letting him breeze very heavy with symptoms of asthma.

III. Prayer
A. Rough water
Although the torrent at normal level is a tough rafting region, we prayed for more water. The rafting skipper told us, we had actually about 30 cm above limit, because on the top of the mountains the water reserve basin was opened at that remarkable morning.
B. The danger
At once, we realized the most dangerous waterfall, we ever faced: a peace of granite stone, building a high wall of rough water, then immediately falling into a basin of rocks. No swimmer, even at normal level of the stream could come out of this trap, because from all sides, the water flows into the gap like into a bubbling whirlpool.
C. The instruction
“In case of danger, get out of the boat, behold your paddle and swim on your back, facing the captain!” –“First care for men, then for material!” These rules sounded good to us, but suddenly, the theory had to be proofed in practice.

IV. Rafting
A. The basin
All in a hurry, the river caught us like a blowing whale. The captain shouted his command: “Out of the boat!” Just a second later the ship was fixed keel over in that horrible throat. – Before I could recognize, I was smashed into the centre of the basin, underneath the boat. Diving deeply down under, I could get hold on the edge of the shipboard, jumping with the full power of my legs and – just a moment later the river spit me unto the save shore, comfortly lifted by my waistcoat.
B. The decision
But now, to my surprise, it was very easy to swim, feet in front, to the boat, the skipper in the meantime has turned again. Six of us had just arrived on board and climbed into the boat. “Six?”- “we have been eight on board!” , it came to my mind. The rule was taught: “First human, then material!” I looked down the whirling foams of the stream and saw the red helmed head of a boy jumping up and down in the middle of the wild river, like a buoy. There was no time to loose to argue, the decision was fixed before, just one wrestles short fervent prayer was heard by the ears of the Almighty.
C. The rescue
Suddenly I turned from the “Save heaven” into the overwhelming flood. Again, I faced that helpless fellow, some hundred meters downstream. Faster, than one could imagine, a supernatural force pushed me through the midst of the flood. In a moment, I suppose, Michael, my prayer-mate, was in my reach. He could not swim, just clinching the wooden paddle, his whole body stiff from the asthmatic shock. First I put his head out of the cold water. Then, I caught his paddle and shouted: “Let loose!” – At the same moment Michael screamed: “Let loose!” – So, I just pulled him out of the heaviest stream, and he could get breath again. Then, Jo, who planned the survival tour, came alongside with his scout canoe and helped Michael to be fished out of the water by the crew of the second boat, that had just fixed on the other shore. At last, but not least, I was rescued. Even my paddle came up again and was fished out of the brown water.

V. Last supper
A. The Chalice
Back again at our hotel, we spent the evening exhausted but nevertheless very happy, all together around the big table near the warming fire in the house yard. We drank vine out of one great chalice, remembering that the blood of JESUS is really worthy and mighty to rescue and save!

B. The Bread
We broke the fresh bread, baked on walking-sticks over the open fire of our smart camp. I was the happiest man this evening. Praise the LORD!” There is a place of commanded blessing, where brethren in unity dwell!”
C. The Job
The stars looked down on a scene of singing men, shouting and laughing.
A swift voice inside of me called me to go out for a last walk that happy day.
Just alone, only with the Holy Spirit leading me, I felt it was time to leave that company. My Job has been done.

Trust in GOD and let HIM be your own Glory! In my mind, I saw an anchor, lifted up to the board of the ship, building the sign of the cross. This is the victory in Jesus Christ our LORD, thank GOD!

Research Report


How can a new spirituality based on JESUS be successful in sustaining the climate crisis?


I. Emerging Church- :

A. Definition: description of Emerging Church:

B. Emerging communities

C. Advanced emerging church

II. Integrated Spirituality

A. Theory of Integrated Spirituality

B. Spiral Dynamics

III. Rainbow Network Communities

A. Rainbow networks

B. decentred networks.

IV. Charismatic Movements

A. House-Churches:

B. Celtic roots of Christhood




The main denominations of Christian religion are not able to fulfil the god given task to rule on earth and care for life. This was one result of the discussion about climate crisis; I am seriously concerned with (comp. essay part 2). (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Succow, Seminary at “Right-Livelihood-Award”, Munich, 2005, personal advice).

We are now going to look for new emerging churches, which may give better and sustainable solutions for this need. We concentrate on the advantages and disadvantages of a JESUS-centred belief on secular workplaces.

I. Emerging Church- :

A. Definition: Fr. Richard Rohr-Franciscan monk from New Mexico- who is also engaged in ecologic spirituality-gives a brief description of Emerging Church (http://ncrcafe.org.node/1413): “1) A recognition of social justice, Christianity has to be concerned about this world and suffering,

2) Openness to contemplation, and 3) Honest scholarship about Jesus.”

This is suggested to strengthen the advantages of a JESUS-centred belief to make efforts in justice in a suffering world with Global Warming.

B. In Germany, Emerging networks are guided by some spokesmen like Brian McLaren (“Everything must change”, Erlangen, 2007; http://www.emergent-deutschland.de/category/pocast/feed). He describes the climate crisis to be the leading “frame story” of nowadays. He comes to the conclusion, that the “JESUS-Story”, which fits all the other frame stories, is to be interpreted in a new way.

C. Advanced Emerging Church

A. According to these pre-dispositions and definitions, Stefan Stangenberg leads to a “Theory of Integrated Spirituality, based on research of Clare Graves, “Spiral Dynamics”, developed by Don E. Beck.

In South Africa the theories are proofed in solving problems of racism. On Philippines these strategies have been transformed into executive rules to build a new, three-fold infrastructure. (Michael Habecker, Ken Wilber- die integrale (R) EVOLUTION, FF/M, 2007 ) Terrorism and religious conflicts, caused by Global Warming, could be handled more carefully this way, because the integration of aliens, minorities and religious or racial groups is managed.

B. Ed Stetzer writes on categories of Emerging Church (http://missionalthoughts.wordpress.com/2006/05/03/ed-stetzers-emerging-church-categories/#cooliris). He is focussing on 1. Relevants, 2) Reconctructionists and 3) Revisionists. He hints on strong growing structures with decentralized leadership in Pennsylvania. The fast numerous increase is not necessarily successful in solving environmental problems, but the history of Pennsylvania shows, that communities with organic farming and ecological outreach earn political respect. Environmental migration (as in the late 60ies, when San Francisco earthquakes have been feared) can be transformed into settlements. This example is given to another 80 planned UN-projects.

II. Integrated Spirituality

A. System Theories of Ken Wilber present a more anthroposophist point of view. Seminaries on integral spirituality, initiated in Erlangen, 2007, (http://www.emergent-deutschland.de ; referring to Stefan Stangenberg, 2008, http://www.zellgemeinde-bremen.de) list some schedules, which show identification-images of several colours, in which ethics of evangelical movements can be settled. (Stangenberg, cit.op. Beck, Don E., “Spiral Dynamics. ibid, cit. op. Ken Wilber, “Theory of integral Spirituality”, pages 289, 308, 327, 348, 371, and 397).

B. The Transformation Process implemented by integral spirituality is supposed to give sustainable answers to the problems of climate change. The so called “green MEM” (ibid. page 4) can be found at information platforms like (http://www.moveGreen.de/index.php). We have to recognize, that Jesus-based belief sometimes is suspected to be old-fashioned (“blue MEM”, identification leaders: Billy Graham, Bill Hybels), so disadvantages may occur on these secular workplaces. After 9/11 the post-modern Christian spirituality is going to reconcile neighbourhoods and inner cities, where traditional church has lost ground.

III. Rainbow Network Communities

A. Rainbow networks, listed up by Andy Wolf, (http://andisperspective.typepad.com), http://www.snap.com/sosearch?query=Church+Planting&source=andisperspective.typepad.com&campaign=spasense&spa_key=dd8023bd6cf81942c89aa84dec2c79d6&spa_rkl=default&ssvid=bc1f83fa12fc1c8d61db0b20a777050c&sscat=religion&geo=DE&dfs=10.10 ) with worldwide mission ( http://worldmap.org/world.php ) see underestimation of worldwide crisis as one of the top ten mistakes of evangelistic outreaches and strategic mission. This leads to the conclusion, that Global Warming highly oppresses a suffering world, which is expecting justice and revelation. A strong belief in JESUS has to give practical answers in the mission fields.

B. Ori Brafman, and Rod A Beckström,(The Starfish and The Spider, http://tiefebene.wordpress.com/bucher/the-starfish-and-the-spider-2/) and Scot McKnight (“A Community called atonement”; http://tiefebene.wordpress.com/bucher/scot-mcknight-a-acommunity-called-atonement/ ) give some argumentation for decentred networks. They describe fast-moving and sustainable churches, networks and communities, who are able to solve problems in critical situations. This is discussed to make efforts on Christ-centred belief. The integration of environmental aliens, caused through migration could be handled easier this way.

IV. Charismatic Movements

A. House-Churches: A modern form of monastery-like neighbourhood home cell groups have been described by Wolfgang Simson (Simson, Wolfgang, “Das 1X1 der Hauskirchen, ibid.”Häuser, die die Welt verändern”, Erzhausen, 1999). The same author in cooperation with Thomas Giudici (Thomas Guidici, “Der Preis des Geldes”, Brendow, 2005) hint on the importance to be free of materialistic bondages. This is important to solve the problems of over-population and inequity. House-Churches are strategically (DAWN international Network, Colorado Springs, since 1999. www.dawn.ch) doing this.

B. Praying movements

Others, organized in Christliches Centrum Ruhrgebiet (ChristianTeupe, 2007, http://teupy.blogspot.com/2007/07/alles-aus-liebe.html) lay domain on Praying and Fasting and contemplation to deal with the once realized dangers of climate change. TOS-Tübingen (www.TOS.info), with emphasis on human care, went back to the Celtic roots of Christhood in 2006. They visit old monasteries and transform it to new praying marches. On the other hand they build up tabernacles, according to Jewish messianic praise-centres (Arni Klein, “Emmaus way”, 2008; www.emmausway.org). They see a great potential in Israelian youth to solve ecological problems (which was proofed by Michael Succow, 2005 ref. on introduction; ibid, cit.op. essay 2) and have a vision for the advantages of messianic-based belief.

Based on reassurement in believing in Christ and the power of praying this can help to bind evil forces and prevent environmental diseases and accidents. This way, ecological crisis may come under the feet of JESUS.

Conclusion: If we are looking at the several trials to solve the problems, caused by Global Warming, we find some interesting links, the leading denominations may refer on.

In a private discussion with Alternative Nobel price- Winner Steve Gaskin,( Pennsylvania, on a 2006 congress in Munich, Germany) the United States of America are still demanding a Renaissance, like Europe had in the Middle Ages, when Karl the Great took Celtic Christian monks to strengthen the kingdom of God through a system of education based on the monasteries infrastructure.

To my mind, the catholic approach of monastery-like outreaches with modern mass media – like Fr. Richard Rohr’s internet cafe can show the right direction.

The UN-Climate Conference gave some rules for further actions on Global Warming. On my private secular, self-employed working place I am seriously concerned with the advantages and disadvantages of a belief based on JESUS. In fact, my belief inspires me to give practical solutions for the climate crisis.

Sustainable Land management Systems and ecological fundraisings ,like the ROSARY RIDGEBED ROUNDABOUT (http://www.perfspot.com/profil.asp?uid=C2EE2F51-16B6-4844-9DC1-E645008A9BFE ) , following the 2007`s Gleneagles advices (http://www.un.org/webcast/climatechange/highlevel/2007/pdfs/schwarzenegger.pdf
http://www.un.org/webcast/climatechange/highlevel/2007/pdfs/germany-orig.pdf) and recommended by Germanwatch (http://klimakompakt@germanwatch.de) , start up to be founded on Honest Scholarship about Jesus. These projects shall grow to the stage-up-phase in a manner to be estimated as “lasting, legal and loud”.

For the Celtic culture a modern philosophy should be created. This is my personal conclusion, leaded by words of GOD.
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Beitrag #2
Du hast auf deinen Beitrag geantwortetam 25. April 2008 um 09:04
Hoffentlich lässt Euch das nicht alle kalt!

Globale Klimaveränderung hat auch mit einer Veränderung der spirituellen Atmosphäre zu tun. Theologie und Ökologie lassen sich in der öffentlichen Diskussion nicht auf Randthemen reduzieren, dazu sind die Konsequenzen in nächster Zukunft auf unserem Planeten zu radikal. Deshalb zum ertsen Beitrag noch die (englische) Begründung:

Part 2 – An essay of exposition or argument

How will Global Warming change our lives?

In the beginning of the 3rd millennium global warming is going to be a worldwide crisis.
Even now, changes appear in several parts of the planet. Science is able to simulate the upcoming scenario.

I. Ecology- :The latest UN- report on climate takes further action on:
A. Desertification- The deserts, like in Sudan will grow, lakes are falling dry, as in Tschad. Fire storms, like in California destroy many houses and woods. Even southern parts of the United States, like Florida and Texas, actually are getting water only 3 hours a day, as reported by Pastor Rick Joyner, an intimate insider and certified training-camp-leader.
B. Floods- Tsunamis occurred in South-Asia, following after quakes under ground of the Pacific Sea; breaking of dams, like Mississippi Delta, in New Orleans are setting big, crowded areas under water.
C. Storms- Tornado seasons, coming from Bermuda triangle, getting stronger and more disastrous nearly every year in the last decades.
D. Earthquakes- The quantity and frequency of earthquake will waste more human settlements. Re-financing insurance-companies increase the charges and calculate more than one billion $ the next years for the regulation of such accidents.
E. Volcano- Eruptions spit out hot ashes and magma and will poison the air.
F. Pollution- Human waste of a growing mankind produces more and more waste. Italian cities, e.g., export their public waste and garbage by ship to islands, where it is burned.

II. Equity
A. Developed countries- although some are going to get richer (about 10% of society), the middle and under classes are getting poorer. Higher taxes on energy and fuel reduce income of private households.
B. Poor countries- cannot pay their debs any more; the poor are getting poorer in international relation. The burdens of environmental tasks become very heavy yokes for these people.
C. Contrast between rich and poor- work is paid less, money is getting paid higher and faster, so the contrast between rich and poor increases.
D. Communism/Capitalism- as a result of the economical dysfunctions, materialistic systems like capitalism and communism stand against each other. Both are not successful in solving the problems of Global Warming.

III. Migration
A. Cities on the shores-, who in further times grew fast, because of harbours and trade infrastructure, now are going to sink under the rising sea-level, as can be seen in simulation maps of actual climate reports. Billions of capital inhabitants will have to flee.
B. Regions with deserts- grow, so that animals, plants and human life hood are dying. Uncounted nomadic peoples are so called “climate pilgrims”.
C. Earthquakes – especially along the continent plate’s earthquakes increase in frequency and danger. Settlements are destroyed and great economical loss is remarkable.

D. Storms- reach the shores, hurricanes and tornados waste the landscape. People have to flee and loose their homes, infrastructure is breaking together.
E. Boat People- African or South-Asian people leave their continent on crowded boats, a lot of them die in the seas.
F. Biological invaders- changing climate zones animate biological invaders to increase their population extremely fast, so they become an environmental problem.

IV. Terrorism
A. Arms- rich countries want to defend their existence with increasing arms and numbers of soldiers. The quality of nuclear, biologic and chemical weapons is getting most dangerous. Mega death and Overkill is possible. Arms are coming in the hands of terrorist states, so that they are not longer controllable.
B. Decentred networks- Terrorist don’t operate like in classic wars between states. Small, self-organized groups in global networks are able to act with enormous destructive criminal energy. The axis-of-evil-strategy is reality today.
C. Pandemic diseases- Global Warming will exponential score the risk of pandemic diseases, when bird influenza and other up to now harmless infects overtake the lowered immune system of cultural societies between Plants, Animals and men.
If we fix only at the matters of nature-caused Global Warming, we neglect the fact that ecological crisis can crudely be caused by terrorists, who are able to attack with biological weapons and dirty bombs. On the other hand the logic of worldwide social instability would create an incredible scenario for international terrorism.

V. Religious conflicts
A. fundamental Islamic separatists try to get in control of the whole world. They are fighting against other religions, especially against ISRAEL. Religious motivated Terrorist attacks try to destroy ecology and economy.
Ethical standards of religions are too weak. There are to less practical answers given. The “Green Movement” often is bound in esoteric.
B. Imperialistic dictators- in the increasing scenario, Latin American and African religious motivated dictators are getting mighty. End-Time scenarios are used to influence people’s minds by indoctrination.
C. Anti-Semitic wars- history is showing a lot of wars against the people of GOD. Anti-Semitic struggles are becoming a teleologically enforced power, when environmental background is getting harder. Jews and Christians are judged for it.

Conclusion: If we are looking at the several points of problems, caused by Global Warming, one may say, they can be solved by the human race. But on the other hand we see that the goals and aims to solve the whole package are too weak.
“Surviving of the fittest” is as fatal as the “let it go”-routine, that is described by the “InSHALLAH” – Kismet-Philosophy.
The often proclaimed “self-healing-power” of the market appears to be a big mistake, as global industries have strong lobbies and are carrying too less social responsibility; this is proofed by the climate contract of the EU in January 2008.
New ideas and changes in paradigms are paralysed. This was stated very concrete at the meeting of “Right Livelihood-Award”- winners at Goethe-Institute, Munich, Germany in 2005. Behaviour of all people must be radically new organized and should grow to mass movements; this is the result of a background- paper (German-watch; 1/2008) to the 2007 Bali- Agreement of the UN.
The answer, how mankind can survive under this conditions is still not given. Politicians isolate themselves from the people’s issues and sorrows. Laws are too weak. There is still no effective international task force. NGO´s are not estimated correctly by governments, and global players, so they are suspected to be illegal.
Some set their hope on one unified international ecological regime, which is able and empowered to manage the crisis. But to my mind, this is going to be a bigger problem than Global Warming.

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