RMI The Remote Research Library LOGOS/Faithlife

Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2008

LOGOS newsletter

Thema: LOGOSZeit: 11.27 Uhr CETAutor: uaerosenkranz Stimmung: begeistert Musik: "Am Anfang war das Wort" - Johannes Nitsch
Hi, heute kommt eine weitere Nachricht aus der LOGOS-Charity Mission India, von Pastor John Chacko:
Dear uwe and Elke Rosenkrans, Greetings in His wonderful name. How are you mydear?. Here every thing go fine. Hope Mamma and theparents of Uwe are doing well. convey my greetings tothem all. What about all our friends there. Its a long time I had seen you. If it is Godswill, I want to come to Germany this year to see youall. Hope God will arrange all for it. If we seek theface of the lord and try I think we can get some newcontacts for our ministry. Though it was nominal, we could do a lot ofthings every year like Fire seminars with the moneyGod gave in my trip to germany. Now it is not running.When we see new people and get their prayer supportthe things were happening. In my trip only we couldhave needed instruments like Organ, and mic systemwhich are verymuch useful for the ministry here.Please pray about this. From June first we have rainyseason here and no public meeting is possible. thistime I can use for the trip. Now God has changed memuch and I am now confident . Thanks a lot for all your supports andencouragements you give me. Many blessings. Your brother in India for the Lord. pastor J C --------------------------------------------
Wäre schön, wenn jemand Sympathie und Interesse hat,
John bei seinen Missionsreisen in Deutschland zu unterstützen.
"Wer einem meiner geringsten auch nur einen Schluck Wasser gibt,
das hat er mir getan. ..Unwissend haben manche so Engel beherbergt."

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